Quote Originally Posted by DJ Arendee View Post
Here's the only clear difference I heard between Te and Ti:

Ti is analogical, while Te is Logical. In other words, Ti likes to use similies, metaphors, and analogies to teach a concept and give examples. I often feel Te teachers tend to just cram knowledge down your brain without you actually understanding it. Sorta like saying:
Te Teacher: 2+2 = 4
Ti Student: but why? What causes these two numbers to sum up to 4?
Te Teacher: because they just do. Write that down and commit it to memory so you can puke it out on your exam verbatim.

as opposed to
Ti Teacher: 2+2 = 4
Te Student: got it. What's next?
Ti Teacher: Don't just simply write down what I tell you and regurgitate it on the exam, you need to truly learn the material. The exam is going to look nothing like the study guide, and you need to be ready for that.

Does that make sense? Its also the reason Te users do much better in structured schools, while Ti users need a more open ended educational approach.
If this is a true example of Ti and Te, it explains why I don't like the Investigations Math program (sounds just like what you described as Ti here) which my son started in school in 3rd grace after I homeschooled him NORMAL math K-2...

However, he got it quicker than I would have; he is SLE, probably uses more Ti than me... (but, going with your explanations here, I would say he prefers Te to Ti. But I have not studied SLE functions that much.)