I agree that it's best to place yourself in an environment with like-minded companions to minimize stress and maximize personal growth. I don't agree, however, that you necessarily need your supervisor's contrary or illusionary to fight your way through a situation involving disparate points of view. I believe that you can develop your hidden agenda and yes, even your PoLR, to the extent that you can have basic, agreeable communication with your supervisor and your conflictor. I grew up with my supervisor (ENTj), so I know a bit more about what to expect from them than most others of my type. I've learned that to minimize conflict, I must be clear, specific, effortful, and tactful. These simple rules are part of the dry, math-like logic that I use in social situations to minimize PoLR hits. Socionics has helped tremendously, because the information it has provided tells me what others are looking for so that I can give it to them. Prior to studying Socionics, I didn't fully understand what others needed, so I didn't always know what to give them. And although Socionics is an inexact science, having a general idea about someone else's needs is much better than no idea at all.
So, my point is, if you know what you need to arm yourself with in battle, you have the power to obtain it and use it.