Is PoLR your function of gullibility?

I've noticed that I am vulnerable to suggestions of "mysterious, unknown forces". I've further discerned that ENFps and ESFps seem vulnerable to the most outlandish ideas as to how structures/beauracracies work. Obviously our president (U.S.) is getting big flak for his recent executive decisions.

There was an interview in EGM with the director of Final Fantasy XIII recently (Nomura), saying that he "respected the ties and bonds he has formed" in the industry with regard to which systems he does and does not support. Given that he's an INFp, that seems pretty PoLR to me.

There are many instances of people simply pretending like the polr aspect of reality simply does not exist, and they find a sort of comfort or aloofness from this, it is a security measure of sorts.
Yes, and it's a problem. A big problem. When you have someone in authority making waves without respecting their PoLR, there will always, always be trouble. We see this problem every day in the events of our world, all the more reason to make society socionics-aware.

In fact, I intend to use socionics as a weapon one day to publically rebuke theorists who attempt to belittle their PoLR by way of their theories, thus clearing the way for the humble attitudes that create real scientific advance. Looking at our world from the lense of a PoLR-aware person, I can be little more than disgusted. I respect my supervisors' opinions and so should others.