Ok..I'm confused now about what is creative function and what is PoLR.

It was claimed that if you mirror your environment's Fe but you are resistant to Te then this means you are Fe-creative and have Te-PoLR. I am like this. If someone is angry at me. I become angry at them. If someone is happy then I become happy. I mirror emotions. However if someone shoots Te at me I can resist it well and make my own mind about it. I thought this means I have Fe-PoLR i.e. that Fe is my place of LEAST RESISTANCE. I can't resist it well. At the same time Te is almost the place of MOST RESISTANCE and I cannot be affected through it unless I want to.

Then it was claimed that Te-creative and Fe-PoLR is the opposite of this. E.g. that INTps cannot be affected through emotions and they don't mirror them but they can be sort of "controlled" through Te. They can't resist Te from other people well but tend to easily agree with it.

So how can PoLR be called Place of Least Resistance if you are totally resistant there? And how can Creative function be called a strong function if you can be controlled through it without you being able to resist?

There is either a misunderstanding here of what is PoLR and creative function. Alternatively PoLR should be renamed to be Place of MOST Resistance and Creative function seen not really as a strong function at all but more like a weakness.