Well, no, I don't feel like they're weird. They seem to be interested in some activities which I consider as somewhat nonessential, and communication might become tiring over a longer timespan, but weirdness isn't a concept I could easily associate with ISTjs. In many ways, ISTjs tolerate the type of abstract weirdness which I produce in a much more noncritical fashion - compared to ISFjs (so if I were to be the reference point, they'd be "less weird"). Which - of course - is a negative part of our relationship (positivist / positivist), since neither of us has a real incentive to better hirself.
My mother is ESI and my father is LSI - my thoughts are often more "in synch" with my father, but they are less "complementary". Plus, whenever he talks about typical "male" things in order to bond I'm kind of put off (I don't usually give a shit about cars, or watching sports, etc.) and I can see he expects me to like that kind of attitude - even though I am also stereotypically manly being an ExTx so it doesn't matter that much in the larger scheme of life.