I just came out of a 6 1/2 month relationship with an INFp...

- "growing laziness"

This was really weird: after a few hours of interaction I'd find myself unable to keep my eyes open while looking at her, I'd have to look away to feel comfortable, and i'd begin to feel trapped. It was like having a bright light in my face. One time it went away after I talked to her about some journal articles i'd read the night before that had made me excited. So I think this must be a symptom of leading function suppression - I've found the same thing with two ESFp's only with them it happened immediately.
However she, (the infp) couldn't empathize with this feeling so it may be just me.

- dissatisfied dual-seeking functions

The few times in the relationship when i felt completely fulfilled were immediately after she'd done this thing where we'd be facing each other and she'd slowly, tenderly, cover my cheeks with kisses with this look of contentment on her face. I spent a lot of time feeling starved of affection, wishing she'd be more hedonistic. It annoyed me she was usually too anxious about uni to allow us the time required for to get in the right mood to make sex. "I'm not aroused right now and i don't want to let myself be aroused" - i never understood this. From her point of view - she wanted me to be confident and to not be needy - when I felt starved of affection she could see it and it would make it impossible for her to feel affectionate. A downward spiral of mutual dissatisfaction.