Yeah, illusionary definately can't handle stress. My ENTp had just broken up with an ESFp and went on to me. The ESFp was one of my good friends so naturally this caused a lot of drama. I was very indecisive and the ENTp couldn't handle it. Eventually, we did get together somehow, it was really nice for a while, but there was always something missing. Plus everyone was against it (More stress). Then we started talking less, doing more blah blah, cheating ensued. Yeeey.

Diamond, you say you talk alot? What do you like to discuss? When I was with the ENTp, it seemed like he didn't find anything I had to say as very interesting. Or we would chat, but never get deeper into anything. Like he didn't think I could handle his feelings on life and such. How do you view INFp's?

I think it's both "growing laziness" and "do more, talk less". It's like, if we were just laying around doing nothing, we'd just fall asleep, get bored after a while. But if we were out eating, or walking around the park, it was okay, but felt a little forced... Also, when I was feeling down and mopey, he tried to lift my spirits, but I guess I needed Se or something. I couldn't be enthusiastic about anything with him. Felt like my energy was drained. And when I tried, it felt like it was in vain. I dunno how much of this is because of socionics or because of the cheating, I guess the stress and illusionary combined did it.