Quote Originally Posted by Expat
Quote Originally Posted by Slacker Mom
I think it would bother me, but it's hard to explain just why. But I'll try. OK, first of all, if you ask me if I'm trustworthy and I'm not, why wouldn't I just claim to be trustworthy? I mean untrustworthy people would probably lie about it anyway. And then, I just think people should be figuring this kind of thing out for themselves. If you trust me, then follow that, and if you don't then follow that. Asking me if I'm trustworthy sounds like some kind of threat or something. Like, "you'd better not be untrustworthy - I'm on to you!"

agree with this. what the hell. i would feel silly being like, "okay i'll spell it out for you, i'm trustworthy." i'd rather just let the other person be the judge of that by my actions and such as opposed to having to be like, "i'm trustworthy!" actually even writing that down is bugging me for some reason. i don't know, if it were some dire situation and i had to make you trust me what could i do but go find some person with the best judge of character on the entire planet and have them vouch for me. even then that would be silly.

Quote Originally Posted by FDG
I'd probably feel a bit offended offended - or better surprised - that somebody is suspicious unless I had done something bad.

Most I'd say A) but since I have better social skills than the past i'll probably voice option B) and reassure the person since I can understand the feeling, even if I would still be somewhat puzzled.

Probably if the other party were to voice that...I'd be a bit suspicious of the person asking.

I myself tend to be immediatly very trusting of almost everybody; it's way too much of an hassle to verify motivations etc. better suffer a betrayal here and there than living with suspicion (imho)
i pretty much agree with this, too. i get the post and why someone could be mistrustful due to past experiences and such, but i'd feel weird if someone explicitly asked me that and i'd start examining my behavior to see if i were sending off untrustworthy beams or something. it's just not a very common question in my experience.