This started to really interest me now.

Ok so this is related to how certain people seem offended if I request explicit confirmation of their motivations and ethics in order to feel more secure.

So let's say you are in a position power over someone. If this other persion wants you to confirm them that you will not misuse that power e.g. by asking:
"Can you explicitly promise to me that you will not misuse your power over me? I need that in order to feel secure when interacting with you".

Do you
a) Find it extremely offensive and think that you have failed your job or something if someone makes such "accusations". You think that everyone should be able to read your character well enough to not even suggest such things.

b) Understand how this person might feel insecure about themselves. After all you could, in theory, do something harmful if your ethics and motivations were not pure. So you proceed to confirm them e.g. by saying "No need to worry. I have pure intentions and my motives and intentions are of good nature". Or something.

I think I am way more like option b). It has come as a surprise to me that at least a couple of people are so much for option a). After talking with my wife she said something like "I'm all for option a) but with you I have used to option b) so it doesn't bother me anymore".

What I'm wondering is if this something related to Quadra values or are most people going to choose option a). If this is the case then option b) must be a personal preference of mine and I should really avoid bringing these kind of things out in the open. I wonder if personal values affect more than Quadra values in this question or is there a clear Fe vs Fi division (or some other division) in this matter.

Personally I'm interested especially because there have been claims that my behavior in this matter can be used to identify my Quadra but can it? Is it just a personal preference?