Quote Originally Posted by Joy
It depends on the person, obviously, but here's my opinion as far as Gamma is concerned...


INTps are probably better at micromanaging their personal finances, and one reason that comes to mind is their negativism. Where an ENTj will think, "I want to go out to eat. It's probably not the wisest way to spend that money... that's okay, I'll make it up with extra profits/earnings," and INTp would assume the worst and use better judgment. Plus INTps don't have a Si PoLR. Also, INTps have ESFps for a dual... so they have to be the one in the relationship who is strict about impulse spending and avoiding excess.

So yeah, there are a few functions that come into play where money is concerned.

Se: Money = Power
Ti: sees and understands complex economic structures and models
Si: Careful/Caregiver types... able to see what is needed and what is excessive (may choose to live in excess anyways, but they're quite aware of it nonetheless), and they're probably less likely to take financial risks than Ni types as they are more concerned with the present and immediate future than they are the long term (I'm not sure how Si dominance plus a Te PoLR works in ISFps as I have not known any well)
Se PoLR types: Money = Power booooooooooooooo
Te: understand business structures and finances
Ni: more interested in the future than the present... more of a focus on the long term than the short term or immediate future
I am INTp and my dual hubby (ESFp, of course) fit the above "INTp/ESFp" description about money to a big-fat-T.

It's actually a bit of trouble for us though, he is the one who works, and I stay home -no 'job' that pays me- --> so it's a Man being ESFp and Stay-at-Home Wife/Mother Homeschooling INTp Lady dual-marriage.

I make decisions, sure, but can't possibly keep him from making bad ones when he's out alone, which is way more often than I am out with him to steer him, unfortunately.

I do quell his excitement to "go and do ..." frequently though, and make quality over price decisions frequently when it comes to household things, understanding heavily myself how more money on something that is better, will last, or be better for us, is better than throwing money away on junk ... low quality being cheaper, and cheaper meaning to him "we can get more other things" all cheap and worthless, in my book.

I used to work, and I'd Save money and save-up for purchasing things in the future, and hold onto money generally, for reasons. My hubby, once he was that, used to use his ATM card to take out money from my/our savings account "just to get this or that, or have pocket money" ... urgh! So finally I closed the savings account out so he couldn't do that anymore.

He fly's by the seat-of-his-pants about paying bills too. I used to pay the bills, but when he was down-sized from his job some years ago, he went Independent and money was too tight for me to do anything much with and I grew weary of it and "gave the job of paying the bills to him" stupidly.

I paid things as they came in the mail, way before due date usually, when I used to pay the bills for our family.

He plays games with things, even though we have more money now, he still plays games with the money and it's trouble when it comes to electricity and water, getting late notices and "we are going to turn off your ... by ... if we don't get $ by ..." just cause he didn't pay it on time. He gets himself into trouble with other things and buys junk food atimes, when he doesn't need to, and generally is just plain LAX when it comes to what money is and what you can do with it if you take the time to listen to your INTp wife and do what she says.

So we have things that need fixed and can't afford to get them fixed because of money, but ... lately he's coming around and giving me "supposed control" over hunks of money for projects I deem worthy in the house, new flooring, and gardening materials, and someday getting my car repaired so that I can actually drive it (it's been sitting dead for a few + years now, with "promises" of getting it fixed up to a very nice state ASAP the whole time, and it's a project that won't start until later this year at the earliest, finally ... due to me prioritizing needs and projects and setting them up to really get done. )

My ESFp dual hubby does understand how bad he is with money compared to me and accepts it more than he used to just lately (hence him giving me absolute control supposedly of chunks of money, instead of it all just disappearing into nothingness mysteriously.)

When I met him 15 years ago I saw how he "reconciled" his bank account one day and laughed at him and told him "no way you can do that". He "estimated" how much ATM money he took out once a month, and put that down in one lump sum in his check register, and then couldn't fully reconcile his account and never cared that it didn't balance and said "It's all in my head, I know what I have and what I need to do with it"

So then I took over doing his statements and for years I did "ours" and then when I stopped dealing with the stuff a few years ago he didn't reconcile accounts and all that ... and it's crazy to look at the bank statements, little charges here and there and it pittles the money away and is so crazy, so very crazy.

He will go to a "pocket money" weekly amount soon, and when it's gone, it's gone. Period.

Just a few examples of how troublesome something like how a dual couple has what it takes to use strength instead of weakness, but gender differences based on cultural living can mess it up and put the weak one into control ... shudder.