Quote Originally Posted by Mountain Dew View Post
I was with ya till this last part. I meant learn from your mistake as not giving in to your impulse and sleeping with someone you don't know that well.

Of course, you might not regret it... but just. Regretting "blabbing" about it and not doing it? So you're not sorry you did it, just sorry you 'got caught'? Had to face consequences?

I don't know if I could date someone who wasn't strong enough to resist their impulses, and might cheat on me. I'm hoping this is just a miscommunication, that you're honestly sorry for it. I hope your told that girl that you're not just sorry for 'going on' and telling her about it, but sorry for doing it...

Actions speak louder than words...

*steps away from SLE lecture stand*
Thanks again for your input Mountain Dew, it is helpful In answer to your questions, I did feel bad about doing it yes, sleeping with someone I didn't know that well that is. I also felt bad for telling other people about it in general. The whole situation generally made me feel like a bad person - and I told her that I was sorry for all of the above. Don't worry, guilt is my middle name.

I am single and not dating anyone at the moment, so I don't think it was a totally bad thing, but it still just didn't feel right and is not my normal way of going about things. Also, I have never cheated on someone, and don't ever intend to.