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Thread: IEI - SLE Duality discussion and stories (INFp-ESTp)

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  1. #11
    slownumbers's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mountain Dew View Post
    Don't assume going to the movies or dinner with you means just friends! It most likely means the opposite. You do mean you go just the two of you? None of her friends as well? Even then, she might just be trying to get to know you better. To be comfortable around you.
    Yes just the two of us go. She actually asked me to get dinner last weekend, which happened to be the day before valentine's day.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mountain Dew View Post
    Tell her you're sorry and would like to hang out more! You can't let something like that go. That's very hard on her to deal with. I would be upset and probably just leave too... you'd have to assure her it was a mistake, look her in the eyes, let her know you're interested in only her.
    I did apologize to her in an email the next day. I didn't tell her that I was interested in her still (cause I am still trying to assume she wants to be friends so I don't get my hopes up). I apologized saying that I felt embarrassed for telling her, and felt bad for sleeping with someone I didn't really know that well, and just felt bad in general. She replied with a nice email, saying that she felt bad I was embarrassed and she hoped she hadn't done anything to make me feel that way. She also told me that she didn't want me to feel bad. She then went on to tell me how her day was going, and then wished me a happy valentine's day. In her email she sounded just as enthusiastic as she did in all of her other emails. I wrote back to that one, but then haven't heard from her since, which IS unusual for her... Oh and P.S. yes, I did learn from my mistake, and realize now I shouldn't have blabbered on about it. I guess we just gotta keep living and learning
    Last edited by slownumbers; 02-18-2011 at 02:23 AM.

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