Quote Originally Posted by Mountain Dew View Post
Hmm. I've dated girls before without knowing them really. Kind of a learn-as-you-go thing lol. But it could be a sex thing. If she's a girl, might be more natural/safer for her to get to know a guy first. So friends first.

But I've also been incredibly patient before too. And gotten to know/watch people before making a move. That's characteristic of ESTp to really size someone up first, and judge them.

Overall it sounds like she's interested. Especially if she mentioned she has to know someone first, and liked you originally and held your hand. I'd say go for it.

How do you go for it? Well, if you're INFp, you're probably really shy. But just put yourself out there for her to contact you. Can you message/chat with her on facebook? Text or something? If she's SLE and interested, she'll want to start talking with you more/hanging out with you/spending more time with you. Could be a fairy-tale friend-first thing that grows.

Not to forget, if it is duality, the beginning stages are really tough. Getting to know each other. Most likely to fail early on. So just be patient. Keep spending time with each other.

And of course, I love Mountain Dew too.
We do email back and forth lengthy emails sometimes. She sends really long, nice, thoughtful emails when she does respond. She is always very excited about everything, it's cute and interacting with her makes me more of an optimistic person.

I have been letting her contact me first and ask me when she wants to hang out now. I've backed off since she has asked to be just friends... and strangely she has been asking to hang out more. She will ask to do date-like things, like go see a movie or get dinner together. I assume she just likes to have a lot of friends since she is extroverted.

With all that said though, I think I ended up making a mistake the last time we got together if there was any romantic chance left. Assuming I had been friend zoned, I brought up another girl that I had went on a date with the previous week and hooked up with and felt guilty about (since I normally don't do the one night stand thing and it is out of character for me). Anyway, she was still nice of course, but after I mentioned that I noticed the vibe between us changed a bit, and she started looking everywhere around the room except for me, and she wanted to head out shortly after. We haven't talked as much after that night as we normally do.

I'll stop rambling now before I end up with a novel here

P.S. Thanks everyone for your input! I appreciate all of your responses!