AID: encourage me to do things I despise doing but have to be way is to do them with me! It'll be cuz we'll spend time together...and at the same time, do something I hate which has to be done

eg. I hate school, but I'm in college right now. IEI-dood, was "aiding" me in studying (hate to do it) by offering to have me go study with him at a library...

that's about as far as aid goes...the only thing I really detest is school type settings, and school overall...

COMFORT: hug me in hard times where I'm sad or upset... ( ) but NOT when I'm angry...that will just piss me off even more

ask how I feel about a certain situation that's gone awry...more so, ask what I think about it, and try to get me to dissimilate it into and associate with it by giving examples of where you were in the same position and you agree with me...but don't do it, unless it's legit

ACCEPTANCE: accept the fact that when I tell stories, they will be long and detailed...especially if im super passionate about it, there will be a lot of added details that are almost irrlevant but help the story somehow

side with me, if im pissed off at someone for whatever reason, but dont put them down

don't talk about other people's physical never know if i in my own mind relate to them or think i posses the same however obsurd and unintentional..dont' do it...ill think you're talking indirectly about me and my'll just push me away...

that i have issues talking about emotions, and when I do, epseically if im telling someone how i feel about will come off as agressive, confrontational, and poorly's just sort of a defense mechanism, that I set up as safeguard in case the response is negative...i cant help just happens like that

I best articulate myself in wirting (emotionally speaking) - sometimes, when I write about how I feel, it's like it's not the same person....

I speak in terms of "me, I, to me, etc etc" because it's just how i percieve things....

If you gots more questions.....ask away..i'm in a revealing by all means, while this IEI-dood has got my "openness" dam cracked...might as well take advantage of it before I fix the cracks