Quote Originally Posted by Skyline View Post
Hello ESTP.
I'm an isfp and a while ago I have also encountered my dual for the first time.
I am still not a 100 % sure he is an entp , YET I feel the exact same way as you described and that is frankly seen as dual relationships.
Mrrrrrrrrr it confuses me toooo!
But I am going with Brilliand's advice.
I could try and go on about how the situation makes me feel but all you're gonna get is "blablibla maybe?not sure lalala *wonders* *contemplates* *sighs* *gets annoyed*" so I'm not gonna do it.
Ya I know what you mean. I def. go with Brilliand's advice and let it happend. I've thought to myself to just give him an ultimatum, but it feels so wrong. Not that I'm worried about the outcome, but because there just feels to be a natural progression.

I don't want to mess with that becaues it's so amazing. Honestly, I think this way is better although I don't like it necessarily (the unknown or uncertainty) but at the same time I can foresee the outcome. And, I'm pretty sure he feels the same (although I haven't asked him). But, from the type of conversations we have, I can sense it.

I'm really glad, I didn't give into my impulse to:
a) give him an ultimatum
b) try to force the situation (ie...ultimatum etc)
c) try to ruin the situation or test him by dating other people
d) hooking up with an ex to try and "move on" from the uncertainty of the situation

Reference article "D" (above)...I've been getting propositions from my ex (who was great in bed) every other day for the last week to hook up, no strings attached. Usually I wouldn't care, since it's known territory and a sure thing. But, without any reservation I said "NO" every time and don't plan on saying yes at all. I know I would feel the need to tell INFp-man and it would ruin anything that is potentially there. He wouldn't admit it, but I know it would hurt him on some level. I couldn't do that to him, I don't want to do that to him, and I know he came back and said something like that to me, it would crush me greatly.

I don't trust most people, even people I've known for a really long time I still get some reservation about, but I trust him completely. That's intense, considering I haven't knowing him THAT long.