Quote Originally Posted by pandagirl View Post
Now here's the confusing part. He broke up with me after a month stating: "You're amazing, smart, funny, interesting, beautiful and I'm very attracted to you, but...there is something intangible missing when I'm with you." I then learned about his past loves and they all seemed to stem from an intense passion and lust for the woman. He's been "in love" five times, but only two of those were relationships. The others were unrequited loves.

Is this common for estps? For them to only view love in a fast and furious way? I tend to let my feelings develop, based on trust and friendship
There's always the possibility that there was something else going on and what he said about "something intangible missing" was just plain bullshit.

However, going for plain socionics based on the available information, one possibility is that while he's indeed ESTp, you're actually INTp rather than INFp, and the ""something intangible missing" was the Fe (extraverted feeling).

Take the above with a pinch of salt since it's a hunch based on very little information.