Quote Originally Posted by Dmitri Lytov
But well, well, well... why do we discuss only politicians? A good example of a loving pair INFP - ESTP is the married couple Mstislav Rostropovich (conductor, INFP) - Galina Vishnevskaya (opera singer, ESTP). I think they are known in the West.
A good example is me and my husband. In our household, INFP/ESTP duality goes something like this. My ESTP husband comes in the room chanting something like...this, "pinch the nipple...pinch the nipple...I"M GOING TO PINCH THE NIPPLE." I cover my boobs and say something like...this, "Stttttoooopppp, leave me alone. OUCH! That hurts. You bastard! get aaaawwwwwwayyyyy....go play on your playstation." Husband stops all of a sudden and says..."Hmm, good idea." And walks away. Leaving me to muse over life's purpose once again.

Ummm....let's seee further examples....
ESTP husband is watching John Stewart or listening to Stephanie Miller and says..."I really do hate Dubya...no..you know what babe? I REALLY hate those people in those southern red states for voting that fucking idiot into office." *I interupt and say, "I thought you said he STOLE the election, now you say they VOTED him into office" He did steal the election. But still, those people are soooooo stupid! And I respond by saying, "just because Bush has funny looking ears, that doesn't make him a reptilian alien with a mission to bring on armageddon. He's just doing what he thinks is right. If you were president..." *This is where he interupts and TELLS ME* "I'd sure as hell not fuck it up like Dubya is doing.

That's it. Really. It's just back and forth endless teasing. With a constant sense of contentment. I never had to reason out or choose to be with the man. I just felt the calmest, most comfortable, most loved, I've ever felt. My feelings love him because his presence contributes a constant ease. I need ease. I need an EASY relationship.

This is my favorite of the poems I've dedicated to him.

You're such an asshole.
You have no soul
Just an empty hole

It's luvvv I tell you.