If you think THAT'S psycho, you should see the kind of things INFps write about their sweethearts. The feeling is usually mutual.

Intra-military relationships are actually getting more and more commonplace. I guess the isolating nature of service/training makes it work pretty well. I can understand the rank aspect. That, in combination with your age difference makes things kind of awkward. It may be the case that he sees you more as his "young plaything" which, for him at least, may exclude your viability as relationship material. Also, keeping in mind that the guy's had three divorces already... he might be a bit gun-shy at this point at the prospect of getting involved with yet another woman so soon.

I'm not sure what to tell you... if things DON'T work out, I don't think you've got anything to worry about. ESTps are resilient, if anything. You're young, attractive, and have <- all this will work in your favor, and you will almost certainly come across someone else sometime in the near future who will be great in bed and make you go all giggly. Like heath said, there actually isn't really a paucity of INFp guys in the military. They seem susceptible to recruitment campaigns.