Actually, one more possibility: He might just be nervous about calling... although you did mention you two had sex (and then some), so I'm not sure what there is to be shy about at this point, lol.
Well...I dont know what it could be honestly. We're in the military, and there's the whole issue of rank. Seeing as how he's up there, and im just a private, could be a big cause for concern. I dont really see how it could be one, from my point of view; if we just kept our mouths shut. I want to say that I would love for this to be just a casual thing if anything, but I honestly cannot. I think if I had the choice between seeing him casually and never seeing him again in my life...I would probably choose the latter (after hooking up with him one more time was THAT great!). I think about him constantly and sometimes I'll pass him on base when Im going somewhere at lunch or whereever...and if im having the worst completely changes. I just get all giddy and what not, and that generally doesnt happen with me too often. I think it'd be more painful to see him casually and not be able to have a real relationship than never seeing him agian. Sort of like forbidden fruit, you can smell it but can't take the bit. It sucks ass.

I think these feelings for him are starting to make me sound like a psycho-chick, all needy and shit but I can't help it. I hate the fact that I'm like this, because I hate it when i see other chicks behaving or thiking the way I am right now. I feel totally girlie-girl.