Aww.. omg =[ I feel for you, ISTP (what's your real name?)

This is strange, yes. Being 18 years younger than him can really eff up whatever good was had, you know? It sucks that it is Duality.. and I love it how you say you actually realized you missed him. Aww, ESTps realizing they have true feelings for someone = <3 Yep, INFps.. well, this does sound a bit sketchy that he is not replying to your email =[ Not to make you feel worse, but if I was in that situation and I really felt strongly, I would waste no time. I think Betazoids are similar in this fact - if there is a connection, we waste NO time into jumping straight into something... don't see the point in really waiting.

Well, there is still hope and I say since it *is* Duality.. go and GET him.. maybe he's just being passive and feels bad about the whole sex with a younger woman thing? :S Though I am not sure what male would really feel bad about that, since you are very good looking. All in all, don't stress over it too much, just grab him by the throat and be like.. "Yo... let's... get together.."