Quote Originally Posted by Dmitri Lytov
Well, in Russia we already had such tandems: Lenin (ESTP) and Bukharin (INFP), the last was called "the favorite of the party" and was respected also by Western politicians, although he was a Bolshevik by his mentality, smiling, tolerant, but a Bolshevik anyway. The role of INFP in politics is often to justify "decisive" leaders and to make small corrections to their actions in order to make the regime look "milder". Another INFP in Russian politics was Mikhail Kalinin, the formal head of the state under Stalin (formally, Stalin was nothing in the state hierarchy until 1941). People believed: Stalin can punish, but Kalinin can justify. Yes, Kalinin was really a good person, but did it all make sense? Out of 10 persons arrested by order of Stalin, 1 or 2 could be later justified by Kalinin, and the rest sentenced to death.
what a pity...

if it's a friendship or a romantic relationship, i don't think the ESTP will be having such an easy time if s/he operates on a 'harsh' mode all the time.