Though I'm also capable of reificating essential syncategorematic connectors into a metaphisical enquiry, in order to break the first metalayer of reality, if shit hits the fan.
I love it when ESTPs go from 'simple and casual' to using big words and big people. It's like *FANS SELF*

MySaviour, I haven't really been in any relationships with ESTjs... and I don't know if I can identify any that I am friends with. Hmm... but something about their whole description, I do admire. I think maybe my business teacher is an ESTj and I have a strange attraction to him. Geez, I can't believe I said that

Yes, I know you probably think I'm an INFj. I still wonder.
Hmmmmm. Strange attraction is usually duality. Like I can be attract to all of the different types but would they last...different sort of attraction, you can tell the difference like... duality attraction is you don't feel nervous/weird telling the other person things, you just sorta falls together and into place...whereas the different attraction, if you think before you talk, measure what you say and what you do, feel a tension instead of ease...