Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush
OK, that's what I thought. In that case, do you have other evidence for INFp over ENFp?
These quotes from the "preferred co-workers" thread in Any Relations:

Quote Originally Posted by XoX
So, much worse and the real test for "team spirit" is if someone feels happy when the team loses. This feeling is usually based on some subjective criteria according to which they "performed good". If the team lost then they didn't perform good _enough_ to achieve the goal. Thus they failed. Thus they SHOULD be UNHAPPY about it This is bad character in people imho. But feeling bad about failing to do your part...well ok if you go from theory to practice that is quite reasonable.
Quote Originally Posted by XoX
Now are all people who are capable of committing themselves to the team in a way which can bring the championship home Fe people? I don't think you can win this kind of competition without "team spirit" as I defined it. I have no knowledge a team which has. So are Gammas and Deltas somehow naturally incapable of winning big championships in team sports? Are they incapable of forming an unstoppable military unit? Are they incapable of forming a hyper effective business unit? I just can't see how this kind of feats can be done without the kind of commitment I'm talking about. So Fe is what is needed in order to win a competition where teams are competing against teams? I never thought about it that way. That would make Fe awesomely powerful.
Quote Originally Posted by XoX
Quote Originally Posted by Isha
Why is it all about winning?
That is a good question Somehow I always talk in terms of winning and losing. I kind of see that in all situations that kind of division exists. Actually that is one of the main ways to motivate myself. If it is not about winning then why even bother?
These are all Ti-Fe quotes IMO, and the last one is anti-Delta.