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Thread: Yul Kwon

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    eunice's Avatar
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    Default Yul Kwon

    I know this has been discussed before and the thread was deleted back then, but I'm still curious about his type. :wink:

    Monologue of him (4 mins long)

    CBS News Interview


  2. #2
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    Not easy to type, but I would rule out ESTj, generally.

    What struck me the most in the first monologue is how he is able to maintain the same position for such a long time.
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  3. #3
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    Didn't really strike me as ESTj, but I don't know what else to say.

    Knows how to present himself and interact with others in an intelligent way. Networking.
    Cannot tell how genuine some things are - what he is really like off camera.
    Knows how to present a squeaky clean image.
    Iron fist with velvet glove of sorts.

    For a moment I was going to say ESFp, actually.
    ISTj also, perhaps - because they have always been physical into hugging and touching people like he was on that show.
    ESTj is just as possible.

    Those are suggestions, I've no idea.
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  4. #4
    Dioklecian's Avatar
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    How about ESTP?
    Well I am back. How's everyone? Don't have as much time now, but glad to see some of the old gang are still here.

  5. #5
    Exodus's Avatar
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    He talks primarily about Fi things. General feel is Delta. ISTp.

  6. #6
    eunice's Avatar
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    Thanks for the replies so far. I have considered INTj Ti subtype. What do you think? More about him:

    -His purpose in participating in Survivor is to debunk stereotypes people have about Asian Americans and present a positive image of his community:
    "When I was growing up, I did not see people like me as positive role models. I always saw Asian computer geeks who couldn't get a date, or a kung fu guy who couldn't speak English," he said. "I wanted America to see Asian Americans as they truly are."

    -He also launched a major campaign to raise awareness on campus of the need for minority bone marrow donors when his best friend, Evan Chen, was suffering from leukemia. Chen died from complications related to his bone marrow transplant in 1996.

    -"He's one of the most loyal friends you'll ever find," said friend Anthony Lim, a medical student at Boston University. "He drops everything he's doing at the time if a friend is in trouble. That's the thing I admire about him the most; that's stayed true today."

    -He described himself as sociable and having many friends. One of his close friends once joked that he thought he was Yul's best friend, only to realize later that he has around "50 best friends".

    -He seemed to be switching jobs all the time, holding a job for at most a year (he has worked for seven organizations so far.):After graduating from Yale Law School, he clerked for a federal judge on the Second Circuit Court of Appeals, was a legislative aide to Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman, worked as a consultant for McKinsey & Co. and joined the business strategy group at Internet search firm Google. He quitted his job at Google and is still finding something he is passionate about.

    -On his own again before he went on the show, Kwon took a break while it aired, traveling, learning Brazilian martial arts and reconnecting with friends.

    -He doesn't want to be an actor but has pondered being a TV host: "I love asking questions, and the media has the power to shape people's opinions and awareness of issues." For now, Kwon has no specific plans, though he said he wants to use this opportunity to work on behalf of his community. He's still thinking about what he wants to do with his $1 million in winnings but knows he wants to help take care of his parents, who made many sacrifices for him and his brother.

    -His college girlfriend described him as thoughtful and practical: giving her practical gifts such as jumper cables for Christmas when her car wasn't working, and a chair when he noticed that the chair she was using in her hostel room wasn't comfortable. And she also mentioned that "he's a very idealistic individual. He's trying to find the right place for himself to make a difference."

    -His brother said that he was a health nut who is very careful with his diet. He refused to eat during family dinners and would eat healthy food like egg white omelette, blotting oil off grilled chicken, cheeseless pizzas etc.

    -Through the years, Kwon has bleached his hair and pierced his ears, and in college he wore flip-flops everywhere. When the strap broke, he substituted a pair of furry house slippers, which he wore for weeks, biking around campus.

    -In some ways, Kwon seemed to exhibit some of the flip side of the stereotype of Asian Americans -- as the model minority -- in that he was quiet and worked hard behind the scenes. "You almost wish he'd do or say something inappropriate," one of his close friends said.

    Some photos of him:

  7. #7
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    !!! in the first one of the two pics he has a striking resemblance to pezzonovante!
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    !!! in the first one of the two pics he has a striking resemblance to pezzonovante!
    Really? They look different to me.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by eunice
    Thanks for the replies so far. I have considered INTj Ti subtype. What do you think? More about him:
    I actually was going to say that but I figured it would seem like I was patting myself on the back.
    When he spoke he reminded me of how I spoke. He could very well be MBTI INTJ, and maybe anINTj who learned how to be more openly physical with people. But that would be a lot

    -His purpose in participating in Survivor is to debunk stereotypes people have about Asian Americans and present a positive image of his community:
    "When I was growing up, I did not see people like me as positive role models. I always saw Asian computer geeks who couldn't get a date, or a kung fu guy who couldn't speak English," he said. "I wanted America to see Asian Americans as they truly are."
    That is a powerful motivation, especially for an LII - who "Robesp'er fears tax occasion for the volitional action on itself; therefore sometimes it attempts to appear by man without the weaknesses ("iron Felix"). It does not love, when they play on its weaknesses.". He may be one of those LIIs who tried to remove himself from such things, and I wouldn't know, but it might be interesting to have a clearly defined list of things you 'are not' so you can 'become them'


    -He described himself as sociable and having many friends. One of his close friends once joked that he thought he was Yul's best friend, only to realize later that he has around "50 best friends".
    Maybe not LII then. He may be some sort of evolved E5 - E8 LII, but I am not sure if I could relate well enough to people to think I'd have "50 best friends". It's not something I'm against per se, I just don't know if it likely.

    along with the rest of what you wrote,
    That makes me think ESFj almost. Maybe ESTj. I really am not sure though. It does not seem we are getting to the core of his person, rather just seeing a lot of glam and tabloid information.
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
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  10. #10
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    Any more ideas?

    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
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    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

  11. #11
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    Yul could very well be an LSE.
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
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    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
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  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by eunice
    Thanks for the replies so far. I have considered INTj Ti subtype. What do you think? More about him:

    -His purpose in participating in Survivor is to debunk stereotypes people have about Asian Americans and present a positive image of his community:
    "When I was growing up, I did not see people like me as positive role models. I always saw Asian computer geeks who couldn't get a date, or a kung fu guy who couldn't speak English," he said. "I wanted America to see Asian Americans as they truly are."
    Doing it for a community - SJ

    -He also launched a major campaign to raise awareness on campus of the need for minority bone marrow donors when his best friend, Evan Chen, was suffering from leukemia. Chen died from complications related to his bone marrow transplant in 1996.

    -"He's one of the most loyal friends you'll ever find," said friend Anthony Lim, a medical student at Boston University. "He drops everything he's doing at the time if a friend is in trouble. That's the thing I admire about him the most; that's stayed true today."
    Fi valuing, caregiver

    -He described himself as sociable and having many friends. One of his close friends once joked that he thought he was Yul's best friend, only to realize later that he has around "50 best friends".
    Not very LII....

    -He seemed to be switching jobs all the time, holding a job for at most a year (he has worked for seven organizations so far.):After graduating from Yale Law School, he clerked for a federal judge on the Second Circuit Court of Appeals, was a legislative aide to Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman, worked as a consultant for McKinsey & Co. and joined the business strategy group at Internet search firm Google. He quitted his job at Google and is still finding something he is passionate about.

    -On his own again before he went on the show, Kwon took a break while it aired, traveling, learning Brazilian martial arts and reconnecting with friends.

    -He doesn't want to be an actor but has pondered being a TV host: "I love asking questions, and the media has the power to shape people's opinions and awareness of issues." For now, Kwon has no specific plans, though he said he wants to use this opportunity to work on behalf of his community. He's still thinking about what he wants to do with his $1 million in winnings but knows he wants to help take care of his parents, who made many sacrifices for him and his brother.

    -His college girlfriend described him as thoughtful and practical: giving her practical gifts such as jumper cables for Christmas when her car wasn't working, and a chair when he noticed that the chair she was using in her hostel room wasn't comfortable. And she also mentioned that "he's a very idealistic individual. He's trying to find the right place for himself to make a difference."
    -- I relate to this a lot.

    -His brother said that he was a health nut who is very careful with his diet. He refused to eat during family dinners and would eat healthy food like egg white omelette, blotting oil off grilled chicken, cheeseless pizzas etc.

    -Through the years, Kwon has bleached his hair and pierced his ears, and in college he wore flip-flops everywhere. When the strap broke, he substituted a pair of furry house slippers, which he wore for weeks, biking around campus.

    -In some ways, Kwon seemed to exhibit some of the flip side of the stereotype of Asian Americans -- as the model minority -- in that he was quiet and worked hard behind the scenes. "You almost wish he'd do or say something inappropriate," one of his close friends said.
    Sounds like a 1w2 or 1w9
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

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