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Thread: ISTj description (Filatova) edited!

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    Default ISTj description (Filatova) edited!

    Logical-Sensory Introvert
    LSI – ISTj – Maxim (Inspector)

    Installation of the consciousness in the leading block: the LSI: life must be subordinated to a defined system – both in the material world and that of human relations. Volitional efforts ensure the maintenance, refinement, and restoration of this system when it is violated.

    Description of the Strong Functions:

    Ti – Logic is a beautiful structure. The LSI attempts to find logical structure, to follow it, be incorporated into it, and to perfect it. He systematizes everything that surrounds him with classifications, established hierarchies and laws. Everything can be fixed with different rules and instructions and this helps to organize life.

    He encourages that instructions are strictly followed and is prepared to assume a higher role in any hierarchy. It is necessary for him to work hard and achieve good results for that will lead him to occupying a more worthy place in society.

    He is proud of his ability and this is the primary way in which he realizes himself. His pride suffers if another person is capable of making something better than he is. In such situations LSI is capable of assuming work with thrice the force in order to not fall behind for he finds it absolutely unacceptable to fall to a lower place within the conceptualized hierarchy within his mind.

    He can act very efficiently in production. Is very conscientious: he considers it paramount that he work systematically and qualitatively.

    LSI is always concrete; he’s interested in vital problems rather than abstract theories. When he thinks deeply about a problem he tries to dismantle the root of it. When he doesn’t understand something he refers to multiple directories of information and makes everything correspond to established data. In such situations his thinking is comparable to that of a computer, which executes a program without ever skipping a line.

    Se – Represents his force of will, purposefulness, discipline and order. These are the basic traits he relies on to put a program into practice. He attempts to occupy as high a position as possible in the practical hierarchy, to prevail in the collective, to correctly apply his abilities and to qualitatively organize his labors in work that is deserved. LSI lives in a strict system of his own conceptions; he can zealously make an example of those below him that refuse to respect his position within the vertical hierarchy. He may assume that another’s simple disagreement, with his opinion, is an encroachment upon his status and immediately attack the position of the supposed aggressor.

    LSI possesses outstanding endurance and stamina. He tries to reach perfection in everything that he makes and zealously adheres this fact to insure that others do not exceed him in the thoroughness, honesty and the aesthetic value of his work.

    Description of Weak Functions:

    Ne – In definition represents that trying to understand the potential for future possibilities, represented by this function, makes LSI nervous. He finds it difficult to evaluate the internal qualities of people and to apply these to distant prospects in the development of production, and the possible demand for a commodity in the future. He does not always succeed at understanding the psychology or motives of another when they present themselves. In all these matters LSI acts with care. Badly taking into account the specific features of others he is prone to generalize and stereotype. It is difficult for him to recognize human beings, as individuals for individuals cannot all be classified and incorporated within a system. Thus such a concept eludes him when he conducts his programs in life, he does not make conjectures for they would only provide him a world where his straight logic does not work.

    His introverted intuition (Ni) is also usually not too strongly developed: for him there are no secrets, mysticisms nor magics.

    Fi – In his relations with people not close to him LSI adheres to the norms of behaviour, established in society, and tries to behave correctly. At a distance he seems like a comparatively gentle man: he rarely raises his voice and outwardly behaves in a peaceful manner. But one ought to remember that LSI does not always speak in a way resembling how he thinks. He cannot always interpret the moods of others, and frequently he is capable of proclaiming something, which may be true in nature but offensive in form.

    It is difficult for him to establish desired relations with others outside of work. At the same time he finds it difficult to alter his already established relations, even if he feels changes are needed.

    With his logically appropriate manner of behaviour, which seems strict (and may occasionally even become cruel), one can nevertheless view the role of sentimentality. In his leisure time he may watch television shows that cause tears to heap from his eyes. The manifestation of extroverted ethics (Fe) in the LSI may thus frequently appear infantile. But there are also such moments when LSI suddenly flashes with fury – during these moments he finds it difficult to control himself.

    LSI at work and in the home:

    LSI considers himself capable of occupying leadership positions, for all his efforts are directed towards making his work better than others. He knows how to precisely formulate tasks and how to subordinate them, to instruct others with great detail and simultaneously require the same preciseness in their execution.

    As a boss LSI develops exacting demands, he can apply sufficiently strict sanctions to those that misbehave. After having made great effort to create and maintain his sense of dignity he considers it correct to not overly rely on the opinions of those below him, but he assumes himself obliged to strictly execute the commands of those above him. In order to secure the respect of his subordinates he prefers to use juridical laws and departmental regulations.

    Being an administrator, LSI considers that all must be subordinated to what, in his opinion, is correct. He is capable of systematically conducting himself in life, “to iron out” any indulgences in himself and others.

    However, one should not, reading this, receive the impression of the LSI as a walking machine. It should be noted that every psych-type is first of all human. Certainly, on the basis of all that is stated above, it is not difficult to conclude that the LSI is first of all a person of system and hierarchy. That he is able to best manifest the strongest aspects of his nature under precise, strict conditions. When he feels himself to be part of a system/group he is confident and calm.

    Speaking about this psycho-type it must be noted that rarely will there be found people whom possess the same degree of reliability as him. He is the honest partner, executive, worker, and the loyal husband. If one seeks a person upon whom they can rely then in this almost no one will exceed the LSI. In relations with other he is strict, true. But do not forget about his strong feelings towards validity and order! This is a person that works extremely efficiently in the industrial sphere, a person whom decisively takes the opportunity to fulfill his commitments. Likewise LSI will shy away from a creative role, where imagination and the ability to think in a non standard manner is integral.

    Summary of Functions:

    1. Ti – Men of structure, which he attempts to find, incorporate himself in, follow, and perfect by the creation of rules, instructions and norms. He loves to collect things. Know how to work on large tasks, prefers to prioritize the most important thing and work in detail, then can move on.
    2. Se – He’s goal-directed and adheres to order and discipline, requires the same from others. This fact leads him to pursue a place as high as possible in the hierarchic structure fit for him. Is capable and loves to create comfort in his surroundings. An aesthete, he is oriented well in regards to his own health.
    3. Ne – Finds it difficult to evaluate prospects in development and production, and the potential possibilities in others. He doesn’t love spontaneity, prefers the steady and systematic course of events.
    4. Fi – Adheres to the proper mode of behaviour, to the norms established in society, he considers it necessary to observe traditions. Conceals his emotions, prefers not to demonstrate his moods, but it sometimes occurs that his feelings get out of control.

    Professional Possibilities:
    LSI is irreplaceable where the precise observance of rules, instructions, and technological norms is required. The ideal worker in manual labor, in the office, bookkeeping, traffic control service… Successfully realizes self in mathematics, programming and publishing work. Also in military service, where the precise army structure of subordination is established.

    Potentially Favourable:
    EIE (ENFj), ESE (ESFj), LIE (ENTj), IEI (INFp)
    Potentially Adverse:
    IEE (ENFp), ILE (ENTp), SEE (ESFp), LSE (ESTj)

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    This made me laugh. My roommate is an LSI and I hate him.

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    I thought this part was particularly accurate:

    He may assume that another’s simple disagreement, with his opinion, is an encroachment upon his status and immediately attack the position of the supposed aggressor.

  4. #4
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    It is difficult for him to establish desired relations with others outside of work. At the same time he finds it difficult to alter his already established relations, even if he feels changes are needed.
    This applies to me very much.
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

  5. #5
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    my supervisor is an istj and she's like stuck on the stone age...this description is her exactly.


    those who are easily shocked.....should be shocked more often

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