1. This guy was an absolute sweetheart. He was very friendly and he and I used to chat all the time. He also got along very well with my husband, and would ask my husband to help him fix his truck from time to time, or help him with other stuff like that.
He smiled a lot and was very warm. He worked as an environmental consultant. He still does - he's started his own business - but I think running a business is harder than he thought it was. I think his wife helps him though. He can be forgetful and his job requires pretty specific deadlines, and I know he has a problem with that. He really needs to work in a group where there's someone who is careful about deadlines.
He has a bit of a temper but it's short lived - like he'll get angry and flash, and then be back to normal again right away. I don't think he ever got angry at me though.
He's very social. He and I used to plan all sorts of work-related social gatherings because we had so much fun at them.
He was kind of religious but wasn't preachy about it. He has three little boys and is a doting father.
I think he's got to be an ENFp but I'm open to hearing other ideas.
2. This was another secretary. Not the ISTj whom I hated, but the one I worked with *before* her. She was very quiet and a bit giggly and had big doe-eyes I associate with INFps, and that's my guess. We used to go out after work together a lot when we were both single. She *loved* going out to the bar and to parties, etc., and was always very quiet. I think she liked to go with me because I'd start conversations with people (guys . . . lol) so we would be talking to people (uh guys again) all the time and she didn't want to just sit there not talking to anyone.
She was very deliberate with what she did at work. She'd make people fill out these detailed forms in order for her to help anyone with their work. Then, if someone was mean to her (or she felt like they were) she'd move their work to the bottom of her pile.
She and I had a bit of tension at work because I thought she wasn't flexible enough, and she didn't like that the guys at work (we were the only women) paid more attention to me - it was because I was friendlier and I recognized my job was a support position - it was my job to support them, not their job to accommodate me. I ignored how inflexible she was because it didn't directly impact me. Anyway, we were friends but it wasn't all hunky-dory. We had to ignore some problems.
She got along really really well with one boss (I think ESTp) to the point where his wife got jealous. LOL. I'm sure there wasn't anything going on with them but they were pretty tight. They had worked together someplace and came to this office together. That's pretty common though at this level - for managers to bring their secretaries with them. I've followed people I've worked for from one job to another too and I've never had an affair with a boss.
OK so let me describe this boss (one of the managing engineers) she got along with. He was really manic and was always looking around all the time. He could get extraordinarily angry sometimes. Other times he'd joke around and be a lot of fun. He was very concerned about his position and would work hard to promote himself and get new clients. He ended up starting up another office for our company and it did quite well. He was also psycho about exercise and would jog and bike CONSTANTLY. He was very impressed by people in positions of power.