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Thread: ISFj description (Filatova) edited!

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    misutii's Avatar
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    Default ISFj description (Filatova) edited!

    Ethical-Sensory Introvert
    ESI – ISFj – Dreiser (Conservator)

    Installation of the consciousness in the leading block: the ESI: conditions for normal life are found in the harmony of human relations, the observance of ethical norms and morals, cautious storage of traditions, and volitional efforts towards then retention and maintenance of this system of values.

    Description of the Strong Functions:

    Fi – As an introvert she is primarily orientated toward her own installations and stimulations. Her consciousness keynotes the norms of morals, the rules of hospitality, the need for conducting a definite mode of life, which , from her point of view, is the only one worthy.

    Ethics of relations is her strongest function. She understands, from the earliest age, what is good and what is bad. As a moralist she considers it necessary that the laws of behavior, the moral norms, be clearly formulated and strictly observed.

    Especially important to her are deemed the traditions and structure, which, throughout centuries, have been accumulated by humanity. She is confident that these traditions, and also the rituals that serve as necessary reference points, are there to help people in any situation in life. ESI assumes that these traditions must never be stored away or violated but with great care be transmitted from one generation to another.

    She usually adheres to the norms of behavior and morals taken up in society. If she sees someone disregard them she may openly express negative judgment towards them. Considers herself obligated to fight the bad inclinations and defects of the people nearest to her. She can carry on with this firmly for a long time, using all resources accessible to her. The ESI is very emotional but usually forces herself to hide her feelings, in view of this she sometimes is perceived as steady, even cold, by strangers. The nearer someone gets to her the more her emotionality is revealed. If she is confident that the small circle of people, close to her, love and value her then she can feel completely happy.

    It is generally very important that she has someone next to her to which she can readily dedicate herself, but in this case wishes that her efforts be valued, otherwise she can fall into depression, or even cause an argument. She remembers goodness, tries without fail to express appreciation towards those that are good to her, but she also remembers evil. In regards to such offenders ESI takes an irreconcilable position and tries at any cost to punish and take vengeance on them.

    Emotionalism, in the ESI, is developed also in her love of art, especially of music. Frequently she loves to play a musical instrument, with pleasure attends concerts, and herself loves to sing.

    Se – ESI conducts her moral program into life with the persistence of volitional sense. But, in general, it is difficult to recognize this installation at a close distance since in practice it is disguised by external conformity, she ably feels and comprehends to mood of another and their attitude towards what is occurring.

    For a time she tries to tune, to exhibit delicacy, but eventually develops the tendency towards volitional pressure, especially in terms of putting her principles into practice against encountered obstacles. In such cases are developed the concealed (only at first glance) qualities of exacting demand and persistence. She is confident in her rightness. Finds it necessary to subordinate others to herself – through this she experiences a feeling of satisfaction but she does not openly demonstrate this.

    Her strong sense is represented in her economic activity: she’s zealous, honest and conscientious, especially in domestic circumstances. She generally keeps a lot of products in storage (i.e. buried, in a shed, garage). Always makes sure there are reserves. She makes sure that there is a minimum of waste, whether it is remaining floor panels or remainders of food products.

    This thrift contributes to allow her to accumulate a sufficient means in order to buy a necessary quantity of articles in daily life, which symbolize welfare – gifts for others, household machines etc. She obtains everything via honest labor and scrupulous economy, not by reckless adventure or by dishonest mechanizations – such would contradict her moral principles.

    Description of the Weak Functions:

    Ne – The weakness of this function is developed in the fact that while the ESI is aware of the external manifestations of that occurring she badly visualizes the internal considerations.

    So she finds it difficult to comprehend the internal world of another person. In view of this she usually very thoroughly selects her future husband by means of matching up his moral qualities with how they correspond to her requirements and having him explain the discrepancies.

    It often occurs that she underestimates herself and her positive qualities, her conscience suffers, she considers herself insufficiently formed, capable, and/or talented. She responds very painfully to others observations in this matter.

    Ti – In beginning any work, ESI collect and prepares material, attentively and scrupulously thinks over everything, and then acts energetically and decisively. However, the weakness of this function is developed in the fact that great expenditures of her time and resources are required in her preparatory work, and she is not characterized by the ability to easily, and naturally, make rational decisions. She also finds it difficult to prioritize and separate the main thing from the secondary: she works as much as possible and does not always commensurate what she’s doing with other plans, thus it often occurs that she overstrains herself.

    ESI at Work and in the Home:

    The ESI’s strong sense is noticeably manifested in the business sphere: her working place is wonderfully organized, each tool has its distinct place, nothing is ever scattered.

    In regards to her work she is, as a rule, very responsible and exact, and she requires the same from others. She is intolerant to negligence and looseness. She may develop strictness towards those that badly manage their work. But if there are no reasons for dissatisfaction she prefers a soft and genuine style of contact.

    After proving to be at the head of a collective, ESI feels a vast responsibility. Her weak intuition serves as the reason for her low self-esteem and also does not contribute to understanding the concealed possibilities of each of her colleagues: instead she remains more alert towards the negative possibilities with respect to herself.

    She feels better being a non-formal leader, sharing responsibility with someone else.

    Since ESI finds it difficult to forecast events, to see the distant prospect, she gives her primary attention to examining tactical missions, which she can successfully solve. She more easily works under stable conditions. Any uncertainty makes her nervous; she reserves time for decision-making as she does not like being liable for failures. Once a decision is accepted she acts peacefully and firmly in bringing the work to its end.

    She uses her methods of conviction with respect to her coworkers, she appeals to a feeling of duty, conscientiousness, and honesty. She behaves peacefully and genuinely with others so long as they are not hostilely disposed towards her. In such cases she develops firmness and strictness in stating her position.

    With respect to relationships she is honest, considerate, capable of deep selfless feeling. But if her partner betray her she will break relations. She does not pardon treachery.

    The ESI’ moral program prioritizes concerns regarding her family’s surroundings. An impression is sometimes created that she surrounds herself, and a small circle of people close to her, with an invisible wall. Nothing is too much for these people. She literally serves them, can dedicate all her resources towards this and makes this the meaning of her life.

    It sometimes occurs that by excessively offering her resources to others she is not able to make something necessary for herself. In such cases irritation and dissatisfaction are accumulate within her, these feelings are held within her for many months. Such prolonged stress may lead to unexpected explosions; she may begin to suspect close ones of dishonesty, may see in their activities a certain evil intent. In such situations it is necessary that others show her kindness, patience, and the willingness to move forward; this will help her return to her lost equilibrium.

    Summary of Functions:
    1. Fi – The moralist, considers it important to observe moral statutes, traditions and rituals are important for they help when experiencing difficulties. Very emotional but these emotions are often deeply concealed. If she feels her kindness is being taken advantage of she can unexpectedly lash out and shout.
    2. Se – Uses external conformity to hide her inherent demands and persistence, which sooner or later will let themselves be known. Loves order and cleanliness and devotes much resources to achieving such. Proceeds from the general principle that purity guarantees health.
    3. Ne – She badly sees the concealed motives and possibilities in both events and people. Is capable of assuming illusion or slyness in others where it does not exist. Weakly forecasts the course of events, especially of distant ones. Most frequently only sees the immediate profit.
    4. Ti – Abstract theories are only dealt with, with difficulty. Conscientious, she nevertheless does not know how to make her work technologically efficient or effective. She attains successes exclusively due to her perseverance with great expenditures of time and resources.

    Professional Possibilities:
    ESI is the innate worker of the social sphere. Wonderfully realizes abilities in medicine, in any economic activity. Loves animals and agricultural work, finds a worthy place in the military, as a teacher and educator of young people – knows how to create good living conditions for those under care.

    Relations –
    Potentially Favourable:
    LIE (ENTj), LSE (ESTj), EIE (ENFj), ILI (INTp)
    Potentially Adverse:
    ILE (ENTp), IEE (ENFp), SLE (ESTp), ESE (ESFj)


    I get the feeling that my wording makes the description sound a bit... wordy? Feel free to give suggestions, I need to proof-read it later.

  2. #2



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    I'm not doing very well here, having a hard time holding everything together.
    Under the circumstances, I have no doubt in my mind that you're doing much better than 95% of people could.

    Check out my Socionics group!

  4. #4
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Diana
    Nearly everything fits me, but I'll read the INFj one also to see what I think. I have no comments on anything as it relates to myself (which I don't know if you're asking for that or not when you asked about comments) except the following:

    Frequently she loves to play a musical instrument, with pleasure attends concerts, and herself loves to sing.

    I do like music, but not all the time, sometimes it just sounds like noise, and I like singing when nobody can hear me, but I'm not good at those things. I used to play the trumpet, and I remember my high school band instructor trying to teach me to improvise based on jazz scales. I never was very confident in my ability to do that. I could read and play the music in front of me, but improvisation was difficult for me, even though I really wanted to learn how.

    She generally keeps a lot of products in storage (i.e. buried, in a shed, garage). Always makes sure there are reserves. She makes sure that there is a minimum of waste, whether it is remaining floor panels or remainders of food products.

    Yes, I do this, but I'm trying to stop doing this so much, and get rid of things so my garage and basement will be cleared out, and I was planning on cleaning out my fridge this morning. Sometimes it gets ridiculous saving things.

    So she finds it difficult to comprehend the internal world of another person.

    I feel like I can understand other people's POV, but this is true, you can't ever really know what's going on inside someone else.

    She literally serves them, can dedicate all her resources towards this and makes this the meaning of her life.

    It sometimes occurs that by excessively offering her resources to others she is not able to make something necessary for herself. In such cases irritation and dissatisfaction are accumulate within her, these feelings are held within her for many months. Such prolonged stress may lead to unexpected explosions; she may begin to suspect close ones of dishonesty, may see in their activities a certain evil intent.

    Some more things that I've been actively working on overcoming. I'm not doing too badly in restructuring here.

    knows how to create good living conditions for those under care.

    I'm not doing very well here, having a hard time holding everything together.
    Given all this, you still sound like an extreme positivist to me
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

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    I haven't checked what my ISFj partner thinks, but as far as I can tell it is very accurate. ISFjs are like that in every respect.

  7. #7
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phaedrus
    I haven't checked what my ISFj partner thinks, but as far as I can tell it is very accurate. ISFjs are like that in every respect.
    I agree
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  8. #8
    aka Slacker Slacker's Avatar
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    It sounds very much like brother. Except for the constant use of "she" - that's a bit annoying. I wish they'd go back and forth between "he" and "she" on these or something.

    It's the first time I've read about a love of music in an ISFj description. I thought maybe that was a case where my brother was unique.
    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slacker Mom
    It sounds very much like brother. Except for the constant use of "she" - that's a bit annoying. I wish they'd go back and forth between "he" and "she" on these or something.

    It's the first time I've read about a love of music in an ISFj description. I thought maybe that was a case where my brother was unique.
    lol actually the actual description used "it", i had an ISFj friend in mind when translating hence the "she".

  10. #10
    aka Slacker Slacker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by misutii
    Quote Originally Posted by Slacker Mom
    It sounds very much like brother. Except for the constant use of "she" - that's a bit annoying. I wish they'd go back and forth between "he" and "she" on these or something.

    It's the first time I've read about a love of music in an ISFj description. I thought maybe that was a case where my brother was unique.
    lol actually the actual description used "it", i had an ISFj friend in mind when translating hence the "she".

    Oh sorry.

    It's better than having every description say "he" every time anyway!
    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
    -Mark Twain

    You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.

  11. #11



  12. #12
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Diana
    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    Given all this, you still sound like an extreme positivist to me
    What, you don't think I can do it?
    No what I mean is, that your posts don't give off a negativist vibe to me.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  13. #13
    escaping anndelise's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    Quote Originally Posted by Diana
    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    Given all this, you still sound like an extreme positivist to me
    What, you don't think I can do it?
    No what I mean is, that your posts don't give off a negativist vibe to me.
    IEE 649 sx/sp cp

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