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Thread: Enneagram Compatiblity, Intertype Relation, Common Matches

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    Dmitri Lytov's Avatar
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    Default Enneagram Compatiblity, Intertype Relation, Common Matches is no longer my site.

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    most common couples from my observations:

    7w8w7-6w7w6 extx ixfx
    2w3w2-8w9w8 exfx xxtx
    4w3-1w9 ixfx ixtx
    2w1-8w7 xxfx extx
    6w7-6w7 ixtx exfx
    1w9-9w8 ixtx ixfx
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    1w9-9w8 ixtx ixfx
    I agree that 1-9 is common, in the sense of ISTj-ISFp.

    In short, Nines tend to take a bit of the rough edge off of the criticality and seriousness of Ones, while Ones give clarity and direction to Nines. Further, Ones feel that they have a mission in life, and they are able to inspire Nines to become aware of their own purpose and to want to follow it. This can be a highly altruistic couple who balance idealism with humanity. As a couple, they are gracious company, hospitable and generous, but they also need time to be alone with each other as a couple. They have a mutual love of nature and animals that may bring them closer together, as well as their love of their children and family. Nines soothe Ones, while Ones remind Nines to strive for excellence.
    The bolded bits are most accurate IME.

    It is difficult for Nines to step up to the plate and take the level of responsibility that Ones are looking for. The more Ones push Nines to respond in the way they want, the less Nines are willing and able to do so, and they retreat into more widespread passive-aggressive behavior. To Ones, this feels like willful resistance and culpable negligence. The quiet indifference of the Nine only infuriates the One all the more. In short, it is difficult for Ones to respect Nines, just as it is difficult for Nines to feel comfortable with (and able to express themselves to) Ones. Ones eventually become more self-righteous and intolerant while Nines become more uncommunicative and stubbornly unresponsive

    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

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    Default Re: Enneagram intertype relationships

    Quote Originally Posted by Dmitri Lytov
    Dmitry what is your opinion of the enneagram?
    Well I am back. How's everyone? Don't have as much time now, but glad to see some of the old gang are still here.

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    that enneagram is nothing more than a pseudo-science type theory made to appear on the same page as horoscopes in a glossy magazine.

    i can invent one in a minute: mean people / happy people / normal people.
    There you got it, the Triagram :wink:

  6. #6


    It is difficult for Nines to step up to the plate and take the level of responsibility that Ones are looking for. The more Ones push Nines to respond in the way they want, the less Nines are willing and able to do so, and they retreat into more widespread passive-aggressive behavior. To Ones, this feels like willful resistance and culpable negligence. The quiet indifference of the Nine only infuriates the One all the more. In short, it is difficult for Ones to respect Nines, just as it is difficult for Nines to feel comfortable with (and able to express themselves to) Ones. Ones eventually become more self-righteous and intolerant while Nines become more uncommunicative and stubbornly unresponsive
    Sounds very much like relations of benefit.

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    Default Study of Couples and Enneagram Type Compatibility

    What do you make of this?

    Specifically, it says that marriages between a 4 female and a 9 male were the second most common from the sampling (and not necessarily the most successful, just the most common). When relating this to socionics, what types would those be? Would 4 be INFp? What are possible socionics correlations to the Enneagram 9?

    I'm trying to figure out what could be the socionics intertype relationship between an enneagram 4 and 9. And I thought it was interesting also that it was more common for the 4 to be female and the 9 to be male.
    IEI-Fe 4w3

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    Default Enneagram Type Compatibility

    Hello all.

    I have been looking at this chart with much curiosity for some time now. I have to say that I can come up with justified reasoning for most of the matches...
    I have not seen anything similar to this (though I would like to see more opinion on it).

    I have to say...the amazing part about this whole thing for me is I am most likely 5w4 and the one male in my life I would ever consider a truly and totally connected soulmate type is a 5w6. It is the most fluid relationship I had ever engaged in.

    I wondered others thoughts on this.......

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    1+9 = Lsi/esi+iei/sei - No
    2+8 = Sei/ese+sle/see - No
    3+7 = Lie/lse+iee/ile - No
    4+6 = Iei/eie+??? - ???
    5+5 = ... 10

  10. #10
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    Tells me nothing I don't already know; that I should get with Twos.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by islandgirl View Post
    This is a total n00bish chart.

    Fives are quite cool, but I'm more attracted by Twos, because Twos are super fuckin' cool.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ezra View Post
    Tells me nothing I don't already know; that I should get with Twos.
    I think you should get with Fours, because you find them inherently attractive.

    If you were LSI, you'd be seeking for a Two.

    But, it's normal to like Twos. Everyone that hate Twos should be considered mentally ill.

  12. #12
    reyn_til_runa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Orest Reinn View Post
    1+9 = Lsi/esi+iei/sei - No
    2+8 = Sei/ese+sle/see - No
    3+7 = Lie/lse+iee/ile - No
    4+6 = Iei/eie+??? - ???
    5+5 = ... 10

    im not sure if this is what you meant, but it does seem that, as a 5, another 5 is often appealing, at least initially. it is easier not to explain to people about detachment because being detached doesn't seem to make much sense in the context of attachment. and it is understandable that interest in a relationship would imply an interest in attachment.
    whenever the dog and i see each other we both stop where we are. we regard each other with a mixture of sadness and suspicion and then we feign indifference.

    Jerry, The Zoo Story by Edward Albee

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    I'm an 8, and while I think 2's are useful, but 1's are the most attractive to me in terms of relationships. I benefit more from a partner who will see to details and be fussy about making sure things are done right. I'm more of a long term strategist than someone who will pay a lot of attention to day to day stuff, so I need that. I also don't think a 2 would be inclined to stand up to me the right way.

    6's seem to be most attractive to me in terms friendship. I'm not sure if I've ever been in a relationship with a 6 or not. If so, then the one I'm thinking of was a good match for me.

    9's... I dunno, sounds like I might be tempted to bitch at him/her and tell him/her to grow some balls.

    5's are easy enough to get along with. Too distant to have a serious relationship with though.

    3's, 4's, 7's, and 8's could go either way in terms of friendship, but I can't see myself in a relationship with any of them (except maybe an 8? never tried it... see first paragraph). I don't respect insecure 8's that think the only way they can be free is to trample on and control others.

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    is it just me, or does this remind anybody of anything? (credit goes to salawa for first pointing this out)

    These two types bring to each other complementary and reciprocal talents—just what the other needs but is not necessarily aware of. For instance, Enneagram Fives need to be more identified with their body and with their instinctive energy; they need to be more engaged with the practical world and to feel their own sense of power and capacity. They can learn these qualities from Eights. On the other hand, Eights need to be more thoughtful and aware of the impact of their actions on themselves and on their environment. They need to know more and to think of consequences more carefully before acting. Every action produces a reaction, and it is not necessarily the one that the Eight wants to happen. This kind of analytic foresight is something Eights can learn from Fives.

    Besides these qualities, both Fives and Eights bring a common insistence on independence and non-interference from others. Both types are aware of boundaries and dislike intrusion. Both enjoy a good debate, and both admire someone who stands up for himself intellectually and/or physically. Both types feel like misfits and so they understand each other's emotional core, often in an unspoken way. Both types need personal space, but when they find each other, they can both show a surprising degree of need and vulnerability. They see the other person behind the defense, relating to each others' sense of dignity and hidden vulnerabilities. Both can be stoical toward their own suffering and unhappiness, with little or no self-pity. As a couple, they can bring power and depth, action and thoughtfulness, brilliance and brashness to their world. They are also the natural protectors and advisors of each other: Eights love to protect less tough Fives, and Fives help Eights recognize the subtleties for their plans and actions. These two types can therefore band together as a coalition of power and brains, a formidable combination.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Joy View Post
    5's are easy enough to get along with. Too distant to have a serious relationship with though.
    What do you think of Intimate Fives ?

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    Quote Originally Posted by machintruc View Post
    What do you think of Intimate Fives ?
    you should really know that intimate fives are most often the girly sex maniacs, sadly often predisposed to the types of mental delusions that bring about the maternal instinct followed by the sudden swoosh and abortive measures
    whenever the dog and i see each other we both stop where we are. we regard each other with a mixture of sadness and suspicion and then we feign indifference.

    Jerry, The Zoo Story by Edward Albee

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    Quote Originally Posted by machintruc View Post
    What do you think of Intimate Fives ?
    I don't know. I still can't imagine I'd do better with a 5 in a relationship than a 1 (or even 6).

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    For me, 9s or 2s are likely the best partners. Any S+ type does well for me, even if a D0 or D- is better paired with a D+ like me given that otherwise the relationship may become too competitive.
    Last edited by FDG; 03-31-2008 at 08:46 AM.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG View Post
    a D0 or D- is better paired with a D+ like me
    That's an interesting way of looking at it.

    Check out my Socionics group!

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    My previous serious relationships were with a 2 and an 8.

    2 felt needy to me, and I seemed very cold to him.
    8 smothered the heck out of me, and sees me as rebellious and in need of direction. (parent/child feeling).

    The 5 is the only one I have ever truly felt understood me and does not misread me or my intentions....and from what I have gather most of my life, I am misunderstood in general because I am not putting out the standard/expected 'vibes' in life.
    It has drawn me very strongly toward him.

    Maybe some types need to be with like types, and others with opposites.
    There must be a type of formula of sorts.

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    Default Enneagram Compatibility

    I made a little graph to show my compatibility with each enneagram type.

    • E1 : 0 |||||||||| 10
    • E2 : 0 |||||||||| 10
    • E3 : 0 |||||||||| 10
    • E4 : 0 |||||||||| 10
    • E5 : 0 |||||||||| 10
    • E6 : 0 |||||||||| 10
    • E7 : 0 |||||||||| 10
    • E8 : 0 |||||||||| 10
    • E9 : 0 |||||||||| 10

    This isn't definite, but it more or less shows how I see the potential for a quality relationship between me and each of the enneagram types.
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

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    Snomunegot munenori2's Avatar
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    I like how you did this actually. Very graphy.
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    4-7 duality ftw!!

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    Default The Enneagram and You

    Socionics isn't the only typology theory with predictions on relationships among types. MBTI has if you're familiar with the site and the Enneagram Institute has a handy compatibility matrix.


    IEE Ne Creative Type

    Some and role lovin too. () I too...

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    It says we need to make babies and abandon them. What do you think of clay? Also, how fucking dare you steal my limelight?
    Reason is a whore.

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    Ennegramm compatibility in a nutshell: a given type goes well with a type pertaining to the same harmonic triad (reactive-competency-positive outlook). It seems to match my observations, more or less, although deviations are very very common.

    Mostly it seems like reactives don't go well with positive-outlook types, at all. Competency with positive outlook seems fine, as well as reactive with competency, I believe.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

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    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG View Post

    Mostly it seems like reactives don't go well with positive-outlook types, at all.
    This is true, in my experience. They need me to be positive and see the bright side of things when a misunderstanding occurs, which is precisely what Im incapable of doing when a crisis happens, and I need them to parasphrase what Im saying and what concerns me, which of course I can keep dreaming they will do.

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    Quote Originally Posted by GuavaDrunk View Post
    It says we need to make babies and abandon them. What do you think of clay? Also, how fucking dare you steal my limelight?
    Hmmm, you mean like have a bunch of clay babies then give them up for sale? How irresponsibly exciting.

    Also, I'll steal your limelight if I wanna.

    IEE Ne Creative Type

    Some and role lovin too. () I too...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Typhon View Post
    This is true, in my experience. They need me to be positive and see the bright side of things when a misunderstanding occurs, which is precisely what Im incapable of doing when a crisis happens, and I need them to parasphrase what Im saying and what concerns me, which of course I can keep dreaming they will do.
    Eheh, yeah, from my positive-outlook perspective, reactives seem to actively wish to cause many "crises". However, I also understand that it's their way to "cope" with relationship - still, I'm incapable of providing a good reaction, normally I just freeze and don't know what to do.
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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG View Post
    Eheh, yeah, from my positive-outlook perspective, reactives seem to actively wish to cause many "crises". However, I also understand that it's their way to "cope" with relationship - still, I'm incapable of providing a good reaction, normally I just freeze and don't know what to do.
    So that's what it looks like from the other side.

    Thanks for the enlightenment. "Crises," aka working things through on this side, seem to be the best way to get everything out from under the carpet and to vent errand feelings interfering with rational thought. So yeah, you've gotta like it.

    What helps me most when I'm stuck in strong feelings and panicking about something is the competence response afaik. A friend of mine stays calm, takes the problem seriously and walks me through possible concrete solutions and ways of dealing. It gives me back a sense of control and stops the vortex. He can also gently reframe the situation when I'm stuck on one pov and this can make the problem an non-problem, which is very useful and pretty relieving.

    Quote Originally Posted by MisterNi View Post
    Hmmm, you mean like have a bunch of clay babies then give them up for sale? How irresponsibly exciting.

    Also, I'll steal your limelight if I wanna.
    Reason is a whore.

  31. #31
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    This website matches enneagram types as 1-9, 2-8, 3-7, 4-6, 5-5. No idea as to why though, seems like they just divided it symmetrically.

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    Doesn't make much sense. I thought aggressives should be paired with either a compliant or a withdrawn, for example. Also, withdrawn-withdrawn combos are relatively unsuccessful imho.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

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    The problem is that these other personality systems do not have intertype relations ingrained into their system and mechanics, hence whatever method enforced onto their typology to produce some sort of relational pattern prediction or explanation is bound to seem weak or illogical... not because they always are, but because there's just too much room for criticism. It's like adding on wings to a car.
    She is wise
    beyond words
    beautiful within
    her soul
    brighter than
    the sun
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    dreams larger
    than life
    and does not
    understand the
    meaning of no.
    Because everything
    through her, and in her, is
    "Yes, it will be done."

    Why I love LSEs:
    Quote Originally Posted by Abbie
    A couple years ago I was put in charge of decorating the college for Valentine's Day. I made some gorgeous, fancy decorations from construction paper, glue, scissors, and imagination. Then I covered a couple cabinets with them. But my favorite was the diagram of a human heart I put up. So romantic!

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    In socionics it's so easy to distinguish your type, it's more logical to me than enneagram. Even though I took some tests, read descriptions etc. I still cannot figure out my type.

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    : Type One questions:
    : 1) When you defecate, do you prefer to hold your poop in or shoot it out as soon as possible?
    : 2) Do you get upset when your fiancee uses a double negative in a letter about how she found someone else and is leaving you?
    : 3) Do you chain your child to their bed for 3 months straight when they get less than a perfect score on their SAT?
    : 4) Are you, without a doubt, the most reasonable, sane, correct person who has ever lived?

    : Type Two
    : 1) People need my help, even down to which underwear they should wear.
    : 2) There is no such thing as privacy. EVERYTHING must be a public matter and I should know about it.
    : 3) I would say that I'm a giver, especially when it comes to oral sex.
    : 4) It really disturbs me that others don't recognize what I do for them -- like the time I sorted their salt and pepper shakers to be "salt" and "pepper" in correct order.

    : Type Three
    : 1) I need to the best. If I don't win that Academy Award I will off myself with a 12-guage!
    : 2) I love being admired by others because I'm a neurotic bitch who can't stand up on their own two feet and needs some stupid stranger's admiration to even live.
    : 3) I have no fuckin' personality; I am whatever others want me to be.
    : 4) Oprah Winfrey is the most profound person in America today.

    : Type Four
    : 1) I cry so much, I add to the death toll in hurricanes.
    : 2) I feel SO different from everyone else -- just LIKE everyone else.
    : 3) Wearing crazy and outlandish clothes signifies I am individual, since I can't express my individuality by being a truly unique personality.
    : 4) No one suffers more than me. My hangnail is worse than William Wallace's stretching, hanging, and disemboweling.

    : Type Five
    : 1) I am a nerd who somehow thinks memorizing 2,000 insect species names is going to help me in life.
    : 2) I've heard that there's actually people out in this world who LEAVE THEIR HOUSES...and communicate with other people...and have fun with life instead of learning about every single thing...and devote their times to it. But it's all just a big urban legend.
    : 3) A 150 IQ makes up for a 3 inch penis.
    : 4) I may be a bit geeky, but I'm also really smart...but I'm still a fuckin' geek.

    : Type Six
    : 1) Brains are useless. Why have your own independent thought when you can have someone else make your own decisions?
    : 2) I'm such a loyal sports fan that I TATTOOED my entire body with my local team's colors.
    : 3) I have recently purchased Asteroid insurance, just in case a big chunk of rock comes falling from the sky.
    : 4) I'm such an anxious person that once I felt the world was going to end when I bought the wrong-size shoelaces.

    : Type Seven
    : 1) I like to experience new things, like shoving needles up my dickhole or trying to impregnate sheep.
    : 2) I think life should be adventurous, so I randomly kill people just to make it all interesting.
    : 3) My appetite is huge: once I beat the shit out of 30 starving Somalians just to chow down on their gruel.
    : 4) I'm loud, talkative, out there, wild, and outrageous -- in other words, I'm an annoying jerk who needs a good shotgun blast to the face.

    : Type Eight
    : 1) Spousal abuse may be fun, but there's nothing like breaking the limbs of one's own children.
    : 2) I feel that I alone should control the world -- even though I'm just an abrasive idiot who won't listen to anybody and will end up fucking up the situation more.
    : 3) I can get things done -- people will do anything when you put a gun up to their head.
    : 4) One thing I regret is I don't beat up as much clergy as I used to.

    : Type Nine
    : 1) I deny everything -- even the fact that I deny everything -- although if I respond to this question positively it means I AFFIRM that I deny everything, when if I denied everything, I would deny this, therefore this is NOT a Type Nine statement.
    : 2) Peace and harmony are the greatest. Conflict does not exist if you ignore it.
    : 3) I go along with others because I am more spineless than a jellyfish and have the will power of a grain of sand.
    : 4) People say I'm easy to get along with -- because I will do anything they want and downplay my own needs. I'd make the perfect slave.

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    Nice one Absurd. According to your typology, I'm clearly 8. This should be copy-righted and sold, it's the only typing that makes sense to me, and can be done under a minute with 100% accuracy.
    She is wise
    beyond words
    beautiful within
    her soul
    brighter than
    the sun
    lovelier than
    dreams larger
    than life
    and does not
    understand the
    meaning of no.
    Because everything
    through her, and in her, is
    "Yes, it will be done."

    Why I love LSEs:
    Quote Originally Posted by Abbie
    A couple years ago I was put in charge of decorating the college for Valentine's Day. I made some gorgeous, fancy decorations from construction paper, glue, scissors, and imagination. Then I covered a couple cabinets with them. But my favorite was the diagram of a human heart I put up. So romantic!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Reuben View Post
    Nice one Absurd. According to your typology, I'm clearly 8. This should be copy-righted and sold, it's the only typing that makes sense to me, and can be done under a minute with 100% accuracy.
    This is not "my typology." I think you need you eyes taken out of the sockets, you won't be needing them anyway. Glasses you wear are enough. Besides, the only typing that makes sense for you is a reality check done by none other than me, that is, lobotomy.

    Trust me, I'm a doctor and surgeon in one.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Reuben View Post
    The problem is that these other personality systems do not have intertype relations ingrained into their system and mechanics, hence whatever method enforced onto their typology to produce some sort of relational pattern prediction or explanation is bound to seem weak or illogical... not because they always are, but because there's just too much room for criticism. It's like adding on wings to a car.
    True, but that's not the full story. There are several empirical studies that've linked intertype relationships among MBTI types as well as Enneagram types. Socionics has relations on a theoretical level but this really calls into question whether you believe in empirical studies vs theoretical studies. It's lunchtime at work right now so I don't have time to find the links, but I'll find them and post them when I get home.
    Last edited by MisterNi; 10-27-2011 at 08:04 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Absurd View Post
    : Type One questions:
    : 1) When you defecate, do you prefer to hold your poop in or shoot it out as soon as possible?
    : 2) Do you get upset when your fiancee uses a double negative in a letter about how she found someone else and is leaving you?
    : 3) Do you chain your child to their bed for 3 months straight when they get less than a perfect score on their SAT?
    : 4) Are you, without a doubt, the most reasonable, sane, correct person who has ever lived?

    : Type Two
    : 1) People need my help, even down to which underwear they should wear.
    : 2) There is no such thing as privacy. EVERYTHING must be a public matter and I should know about it.
    : 3) I would say that I'm a giver, especially when it comes to oral sex.
    : 4) It really disturbs me that others don't recognize what I do for them -- like the time I sorted their salt and pepper shakers to be "salt" and "pepper" in correct order.

    : Type Three
    : 1) I need to the best. If I don't win that Academy Award I will off myself with a 12-guage!
    : 2) I love being admired by others because I'm a neurotic bitch who can't stand up on their own two feet and needs some stupid stranger's admiration to even live.
    : 3) I have no fuckin' personality; I am whatever others want me to be.
    : 4) Oprah Winfrey is the most profound person in America today.

    : Type Four
    : 1) I cry so much, I add to the death toll in hurricanes.
    : 2) I feel SO different from everyone else -- just LIKE everyone else.
    : 3) Wearing crazy and outlandish clothes signifies I am individual, since I can't express my individuality by being a truly unique personality.
    : 4) No one suffers more than me. My hangnail is worse than William Wallace's stretching, hanging, and disemboweling.

    : Type Five
    : 1) I am a nerd who somehow thinks memorizing 2,000 insect species names is going to help me in life.
    : 2) I've heard that there's actually people out in this world who LEAVE THEIR HOUSES...and communicate with other people...and have fun with life instead of learning about every single thing...and devote their times to it. But it's all just a big urban legend.
    : 3) A 150 IQ makes up for a 3 inch penis.
    : 4) I may be a bit geeky, but I'm also really smart...but I'm still a fuckin' geek.

    : Type Six
    : 1) Brains are useless. Why have your own independent thought when you can have someone else make your own decisions?
    : 2) I'm such a loyal sports fan that I TATTOOED my entire body with my local team's colors.
    : 3) I have recently purchased Asteroid insurance, just in case a big chunk of rock comes falling from the sky.
    : 4) I'm such an anxious person that once I felt the world was going to end when I bought the wrong-size shoelaces.

    : Type Seven
    : 1) I like to experience new things, like shoving needles up my dickhole or trying to impregnate sheep.
    : 2) I think life should be adventurous, so I randomly kill people just to make it all interesting.
    : 3) My appetite is huge: once I beat the shit out of 30 starving Somalians just to chow down on their gruel.
    : 4) I'm loud, talkative, out there, wild, and outrageous -- in other words, I'm an annoying jerk who needs a good shotgun blast to the face.

    : Type Eight
    : 1) Spousal abuse may be fun, but there's nothing like breaking the limbs of one's own children.
    : 2) I feel that I alone should control the world -- even though I'm just an abrasive idiot who won't listen to anybody and will end up fucking up the situation more.
    : 3) I can get things done -- people will do anything when you put a gun up to their head.
    : 4) One thing I regret is I don't beat up as much clergy as I used to.

    : Type Nine
    : 1) I deny everything -- even the fact that I deny everything -- although if I respond to this question positively it means I AFFIRM that I deny everything, when if I denied everything, I would deny this, therefore this is NOT a Type Nine statement.
    : 2) Peace and harmony are the greatest. Conflict does not exist if you ignore it.
    : 3) I go along with others because I am more spineless than a jellyfish and have the will power of a grain of sand.
    : 4) People say I'm easy to get along with -- because I will do anything they want and downplay my own needs. I'd make the perfect slave.

    Thanks for your help Absurd . But I still don't know... does it mean I'm 9?

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    Quote Originally Posted by MisterNi View Post
    True, but that's not the full story. There are several empirical studies that've linked intertype relationships among MBTI types as well as Enneagram types. Socionics has relations on a theoretical level but this really calls into question whether you believe in empirical studies vs theoretical studies. It's lunchtime at work right now so I don't have time to find the links, but I'll find them and post them when I get home.
    As promised:

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