I'm an 8, and while I think 2's are useful, but 1's are the most attractive to me in terms of relationships. I benefit more from a partner who will see to details and be fussy about making sure things are done right. I'm more of a long term strategist than someone who will pay a lot of attention to day to day stuff, so I need that. I also don't think a 2 would be inclined to stand up to me the right way.

6's seem to be most attractive to me in terms friendship. I'm not sure if I've ever been in a relationship with a 6 or not. If so, then the one I'm thinking of was a good match for me.

9's... I dunno, sounds like I might be tempted to bitch at him/her and tell him/her to grow some balls.

5's are easy enough to get along with. Too distant to have a serious relationship with though.

3's, 4's, 7's, and 8's could go either way in terms of friendship, but I can't see myself in a relationship with any of them (except maybe an 8? never tried it... see first paragraph). I don't respect insecure 8's that think the only way they can be free is to trample on and control others.