How do you experience this emotion? what causes it in you?
How do you experience this emotion? what causes it in you?
All Hail The Flying Spaghetti Monster
For me: a sense of mortality + a feeling of gradual abandonment + a need for others to feel 'complete', contrasted with a fear of being grounded into the dirt by unsavory sorts (speaking metaphorically, of course... ).
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I don't really feel lonely, unless I'm like the third wheel getting the boot so somebody can have sex or something. Then I'll actually reflect on it and feel lonely. But otherwise I'm totally at ease and happy when I'm alone in the world.
I drink. Or get really super cranky. Or both.Originally Posted by Ms. Kensington
I wish I knew.what causes it in you?
How do I experience it? not sure if you're meaning how do I cope with it...I distract myself with not-so-healthy behaviors. What causes it? Abandonment, not feeling like I can turn to anyone.
I find myself wanting someone to talk to about things but when i have that opportunity, I shut down.. thus making me even more lonely.
i feel lonely when i want to be with people but for some reason there's nobody around and i feel forced to be alone.
those who are easily shocked.....should be shocked more often
i have stages of loneliness
ill spare you
in most cases i just become needy, over-friendly, and/or normally have way too much energy than i should
in experiencing it not, of a sort. im around people im comfortable so its not so bad. but having no friends in the area and no lover around brings upon a different sort of loneliness. the "needs-to-get-laid" sort of loneliness
SEE Unknown Subtype
6w7 sx/so
[21:29] hitta: idealism is just the gap between the thought of death
[21:29] hitta: and not dying
I get lonely a lot. Which doesn't make sense since I generally don't like people.
It's rare for me to feel lonely...but it's also rare for me not to be around people for more than a week. If I feel lonely, I go out where there are some people and get to know somebody.
Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit
I think I also rarely get lonely, and it took me a while to realize what causes it, but I think it's similar to oyburger's reason. I have to feel like I am connected somehow to a purpose. As much as I like being alone and the quiet that it brings, I am not content to stagnate in the wilderness, I must feel as if I am actually making a contribution to more than myself. More than myself usually means a contribution to other people. If I am unsure of my contribution I may wish to be around others so as to stimulate opportunities to contribute.
I remember one ENTp I knew when he broke up with his gf he began talking to anyone he remotely knew all at once.
Loneliness for me often depends on the context. At home, I like to be alone to do the solitary activities I enjoy doing. If I'm out with people, I need someone to talk to, otherwise I start to feel left out. And depending on how the stars are aligned (not really) depends how I feel about being single. Sometimes it bothers me greatly when I dwell on it, other times it doesn't bother me too much.
ILI (Indescribable Lovemaking Inc.)
5w4 so/sx
"IP temperament! Because today's concerns are tomorrow's indifferences!"
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This is interesting to me. As an introvert, you'd think you'd appreciate being alone and would be content with it. I cannot handle it. I have to either be in a relationship or actively searching for one and cannot tolerate being alone for extended periods of time. I need to meet new people and I enjoy it and feel empty and pointless being alone. What gives. I admire people who are content and confident in not needing others.
well i think that people who have Fi HA might not be satisfied with just talking to everyone they know (like my ENTp friend). They might need one singular relationship that is to their liking. He is an extravert, though.
I have some ISTp friends who I think aren't lonely but they do grumble about friendships and morality often
The short answer is that being around/close to people makes you realize how ugly human nautre is in general, and that they annoy you, then you push away trying to just be with yourself, then you are with yourself which causes you to be lonely, then you try to make friends with people again, then you remember how terrible they are, then you reclude again and realize you are lonely because you don't like anyone, and the cycle continues.
Loneliness -> depression.
I have no need to be constantly surrounded by people, but I do have a need to experience some sort of interpersonal meaning or interpersonal 'new'. In general, routine drags me down, while action and variance perks me up. The same holds true for my relationships with other people. There needs to be an element of progression in my life, or I start feeling lonely.