Quote Originally Posted by jas05
Quote Originally Posted by misutii
Matt Damon in "The Good Shepherd"
I just finished watching the film. I thought of the character as a possible INTj so it was interesting that you also typed him that way.

In this thread, however:
Quote Originally Posted by Expat
For a good portrayal of what many ESTjs are like , Matt Damon's character in The Good Shepherd - and please note that I am talking about the character, not Damon himself.
What do you think? Why INTj / why ESTj?
Everything. He's very low on Fe and higher on Fi; very low on Ni and high on Si - he doesn't seem to ever think about his life in the longer term, he just does what has to be done and takes the job he's offered and does his duty. He does not give off Fe nor does he seem to need it. His relationship with the deaf girl is a stereotypical ESTj-INFj one. He's not overly Se in demeanor but can use it if necessary. Even his main hobby - ships in bottles - is a Si hobby.