Quote Originally Posted by Mea
Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush
ENTj: Captain Vidal in "Pan's Labyrinth"
ISTj? That was some over-the-top Se, methinks. Plus, the unwavering nature of his rules was more Ti than Te.
Yes. I agree with ISTj for Captain Vidal in Pan's Labyrinth.

O, and what about..
The Illusionist
ISTj for the Crown Prince
lol I typed the crown prince as ENTj actually! I still see unhealthy ENTj for Vidal too. When ISTjs get unhealthy they don't organize people like that. They're less likely to maintain such status above all else, let alone "play the game". Remember that both characters, despite their degrading mental conditions, were still quite brilliant in regards to getting people to do what they wanted - like really, the only reason they fail is because it's a movie and supernatural circumstances screw them over. I see both characters as Fe POLR