INTj: Moulder in "The X-Files"
Nah, probably ENFp (conflict with Scully's ISTj).

ESTp: Daniel Craig in "Casino Royale"
Sounds right. Se dominant, at least.

INFp: Gwyneth Paltrow in "Proof"
ESTj: Claire (the sister) in "Proof"
I thought INTp-ESFj. Certainly Conflict, at any rate. Reminds me of my brother and sister.

As I recall, her sister was constantly pressuring her to go out and be more social - Fe-type stuff.

ESFp: Kate Winslet in "Eternal Sunshine and the Spotless Mind"
INTp: Jim Carey in "Eternal Sunshine and the Spotless Mind"
I thought ENFp for her - see for details. (I haven't seen it for a while.)

ENTj: Captain Vidal in "Pan's Labyrinth"
ISTj? That was some over-the-top Se, methinks. Plus, the unwavering nature of his rules was more Ti than Te.

I can't say about the rest of them. Maybe I'll do a post like this; I'm quite the IMDb addict.