"So, you strongly believe that you are an INTj now, is that correct?"


"Why isn't that in your sig anymore?"

I don't remember ever having that in my sig.

"And I still don't think that you look like an INTj on V.I."

Neither do I, but VI isn't everything

"Have you posted an updated, more accurate description of yourself somewhere? I hate to be misinformed, so in that case I'd like to read it."

Sorry, I don't really have time to write a full description of myself, but I can say that I'm not an ENTp with absolute certainty, as I am not an extrovert. So I suppose if I am not a J, nor an E, and apparently not an INTp, then I would be some other IXXp type, none of which I am. This tells me that there's something fatally wrong here and that one of the above conclusions is correct; I'm going to have to go out on a limb and say that your conclusion, based upon matters I don't consider essential to J-dom, is incorrect. Therefore, I am an INTj.

Are you really certain that your understanding of the irrational/rational dichotomy is correct?

The thing is, I identify most strongly with INTj descriptions, with INTj individuals, with the INTj's functional preference, and essentially all things INTj, so I think it's pretty safe to assume that I am an INTj.