Quote Originally Posted by MysticSonic
What things? One must remember that I was 14 at the time of that discussion and possessed very little knowledge of myself and my own identity.
That is not so important. I can analyze what you say about yourself even if you don't know your own identity.

Quote Originally Posted by MysticSonic
I was actually convinced I was INTp for a much longer time after that thread ended.
But one time or another after that thread had ended you decided to state in your signature that your type was INTj, and you kept that signature for at least a while.

Quote Originally Posted by MysticSonic
I have only come to a firm conclusion on my type within the last year or so and therefore cannot be said to have a solid opinion on it before then.
Your INTj signature is gone ... Does that mean that you no longer think that you are an INTj? You admit that you once thought that you were an INTp, but your way of saying it might suggest that you no longer think that either ... So, ENTp seems more and more likely as a good guess of your current opinion of your own type, doesn't it?

Quote Originally Posted by MysticSonic
And Phaedrus is INTj now?
I don't think so ... therefore I am not ...

Any disproof of the Reinin dichotomies, the temperaments, the intertype relations, or anything else directly relevant in the theory of Socionics, are still welcome. Then I might change my mind about my type. But otherwise I cannot think of anything of importance in the socionic material that does not suggest that I am an INTp.