Quote Originally Posted by science as magic
works with things like this:

Which group does not fit?

Just to test if I get this at all...Carrots, Apples,Strawberries...well one is vegetable, one is fruit and one is berry so it can't be that...but well...carrots grow underground and strawberries and apples hang from a "thing" so based on this carrots don't fit...then apples and strawberries have seeds (even though strawberries have seeds outside and apples inside). Carrots apparently don't have seeds so even though this is a weak case you can say that again carrots don't fit. Umm I'm bored figuring out new ways to categorize them so I just say carrots don't fit. What is the right answer and why?

Edit: Oh it was already answered and then you have changed it and stuff. Now this confuses me
Edit 2: Lol I only now noticed that there were two sets of pics. I must learn to read the whole post before answering I guess (not to mention reading the whole thread).