Quote Originally Posted by Phaedrus
Logical consistency in behaviour is correct, but consistency in thought is not solely a thing. We don't manage to single out from other functions by saying that it is "inference" or "logical thinking" or something like that. The essential nature of is something else.
You also gotta think that even if you are INTp (unlikely) you utilize Ti, so even an INTp can be logically consistent in thought (of course); the Ti PoLRs will ecounter more difficulty.

XoX: Consistency in behaviour means that the behaviour is led by certain rules, and every action is evalated from the standpoint of the coherence (or lack of it) of those rules. This, of course, gives the appearance of inflexibility to Ti-dominants, since the rules aren't necessarily taken from the real world (Te) but are sometimes seeminly arbitrary (however, the Ti dominant will still be consistent in its arbitrariness - I think there is a line about this in an ISTj description).