for some reason ISTj girls tend to want to be friends w/ me.

I know one ISTj guy I can't stand. He talks overly loudly (even in a quiet area) and sort of raises up his chin and looks down at you. It comes across as insecurity to me. He then says absolute things. And he likes to start sentences with "No, no, there is no way they would ever consider XYZ" and then will relate some historical information to that "because in the state of Kentucky, they voted to do XYZ back in 1992." I find it kind of boring and usually irrelevant to what is going on NOW. He's often wrong as well, as he leaves out some info in his Ti system (that may be outdated, etc.)

But the ISTj girls, I can handle because when they say something absolute, I convert it to a softer statement in my mind. So... "Mexican people are the best salsa dancers" becomes "some Mexican people are the best salsa dancers, and others may or may not be good at salsa dancing." That way, I keep myself from jumping at them to start arguing. I think they actually mean the latter sometimes, but can't phrase it openly enough. I don't mind their structured approach because I don't get that close to them. I mostly go and do "fun" things out in public with them. I do appreciate their loyalty, logic and toughness.

At one point I was friends w/ a very unhappy ISTj girl who had this Ti system of all guys being jerks who want to screw you over and they're only good for their $ (and she continued to choose jerks). So I told her she was wrong and we talked about spirituality -- I explained I was only doing this because she was a good friend and I cared. She actually appreciated it and it helped her. Then she dated a poor starving artist who actually loved her (prob an INFp). They didn't stay together, but it was a first for her. And she also could only paint copies from photographs and I helped her loosen up a bit and do some more creative paintings and she started to paint more from the heart. But then I got tired of it all and we lost touch.