Quote Originally Posted by Drommel
Quote Originally Posted by XoX
On the average around 3% of the people you meet are duals of your opposite gender (assuming here you are heterosexual).
If we assume that roughly 1/4th of those are single then around 0,5%-1% of the people you meet are single, opposite gender and your duals.

So if you meet one new person every day then you will meet around three potential candidates a year. If you meet one new person every month then you will meet potential candidate once every ten years. If you meet one new person once a year then you are lucky to find one potential candidate in your lifetime. So the more you meet new people the more likely you will find what you are looking for
First, I think your numbers are made up. Second, even if they're not, you're assuming random distribution. Birds of a quadra flock together. Therefore, the odds could be much higher.
My numbers are calculated assuming equal (not random) distribution. So yes if the types are not equally distributed then the odds differ from type to type. In addition to assuming equal distribution I subjectively estimated the amount of single people. It could be lower or higher and probably depends on your age (e.g. at age of 15, 30, 45, and 60 the likelihood of being single probably differs). However I consider my "rule of thumb" calculation pretty good. I also consider it to be fundamentally optimistic because if the types are very unequally distributed then there exists some people who will have significantly lower chance of finding their dual. In my model everybody has at least some chance.

If we assume that members of a Quadra are more likely to "flock" together then this increases the odds of finding your dual, yes. However very often the members of a Club (ST, NT, SF, NF) not Quadra flock together in hobbies and workplaces. Thus there are so many factors involved which we don't know the exact value of that by working with my original simple assumptions we can come as close to the truth as possible and any other method just adds speculation and just decreases the reliability of the result.