Quote Originally Posted by The Greeter View Post
I think modern India is LIE.

Cyclops, you are fully correct, but I don't find any assertions made here absolute. At least, I don't interpret them as such.
Oh you're right, I just recall reading some posts like "as far as I remember such and such a country is X type", like it's somehow for definite.

And of course, for instance saying UK and France don't get on because of these supposed integral types of nations (when they can't be decided) and when reality is that it is only the England part of UK has problem with France for completely different reason, is just kinda.... on more than just one level.

And no offence to jxrtes, but

Quote Originally Posted by jxrtes
Sweden is more logical and has had waaay more success in establishing a physical infrastructure that can ensure those things, whereas Canada is mostly known for its humanitarian record and ethical innovations -- like proposing UN peacekeeping forces (see: Suez Crisis).
What does that mean, typing an entire nation over some tiny piece of information?

Eh, either people are way too into this or simply overconfident, I dunno.

Oh, of course:

Quote Originally Posted by marie84
The UK is not really Si valuing, stereotypically that is. I'd say LIE is more fitting; they have rather conflicting values with France which explains a lot history wise I suppose...
Bizarrely, i've also read it a few places that the typical Brit is ISTp, so, I dunno, stuff like that pretty close to absolute to me, and doesn't even make sense.

But, it is point, am I right in saying that according to socionists the Brit is the typical ISTp but also the ENTj?

Meh, I kinda feel i'm stating obvious stuff, and prolly shouldn't have posted, no need for me to be a kill joy, I suppose.