Quote Originally Posted by XoX
Quote Originally Posted by Logos
Quote Originally Posted by XoX
Quote Originally Posted by Logos
Quote Originally Posted by discojoe
Right now the US is a psychopathic ENFj.
And being led by an ESTp president who is upsetting the INFj hippies and protesters.
Anyways about Scandinavia...Finland is often considered ISTp. So is Japan btw. I'm not sure about Finland's type. I know that in Finland engineering as a profession is highly valued (way more than e.g. business, arts or pure science). Also I know that if you have to actually read a manual or ask an advice before you can do something you are a failure by definition. American style manuals are totally laughed at. Heavy drinking is also quite usual here. I can see how Si and Te is at least somehow manifested and of course Finnish people are not known for being emotionally expressive or talkative (especially when you first meet them).
And Finland is not technically part of Scandinavia. :wink:
Well yes if you use the minimalist definition based on geography only Sweden and Norway are I just kind of naturally think of all the so called Nordic countries (i.e. Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Iceland) when I talk about "Scandinavia".
And Denmark technically is a part of Scandinavia.