In as far as nations have types and this topic is not overdone, I would say that England is definately very delta, types like ENFps and ESTjs are looked upon very favorably there...ISTps and INFjs a little bit less, I think they (the English)value being outgoing and "bubbly" very much now contrary to the former reserve they had in the past.
rules there and most of Europe. England is like heaven. is not valued there at all and it has always sort of confused me how much their people expect their government to provide for them and make their lives more comfortable in terms of welfare, housing etc. There is just far less "up by your own boot straps" thinking there and i get a sense like i am living in the past or something even though aspects of the country is quite modern.

The USA is not ENTj in my opinion though it seems that way. I think is very prized and looked upon more favorably in the U.S than nearly anywhere else... hence why people like Oprah Winfrey are so successful in the USA. Oprah Winfrey would not get very far in England.
On the / issue. When I first went to study in England I seriously (yes it is true)wondered how anyone learnt or knew anything there. The information sources you need is very much there but you have to search for it proactively and the search for it never stopped feeling to me like the search for a needle in a haystack ...information is not sort of put upon you neatly packaged like in the U.S.
I think IXFps in particular would find it far easier to be more academically successful in the USA because in the USA you are sort of bombarded with information which is somewhat analysed and the connections between things made clear in a very structured way for you. In England and in their educational institutions in particular, it feels to me like you are given little pieces of information which you must go away and put together yourself and decide what is important and what isn't more independently. They also seem to value on the spot problem solving/thinking more and their people just seem to read far more in general...bookshops everywhere in even the smallest towns like Expat more or less said. The USA is probably most beta/gamma but I think it is probably a more diverse place values/quadra wise than most other countries.