Quote Originally Posted by vesstheastralsilky View Post
I think the case could be made for USA being LIE. It is a country of workaholism, where time is scarce, overvalued and is money, and excessive pragmatism reigns. There is little time for leisure and pleasure activities. The arts and pure sciences struggle (anti-Alpha) - the latter often recruiting from around the world for pure research. Sex and sensuality has little value and respect and often the subjects here are fraught with negativity (anti-SEI). Population is dwindling. A good family life, culturally, has become a rare find (anti-ESE). There are wide economic gaps rather than justice for all (anti-Alpha NT). Gammas tend to thrive in capitalistic systems but most everyone else suffers. It is overregulated bureaucratic and inefficient (unlike the efficient SLI). Buildings are rarely preserved and the landscape is growing into a post-industrial, quickie-mart wasteland that offends the eyes and is littered with excessive practical data, signage and tiny business outlets everywhere. "Strength" is overrated or misapplied.

I find it extremely hard to be happy and live naturally here as an SEI type. Heck, I have to go into SuperEgo mode as an ILI just to keep a job and pay bills while owning nothing.

@Adam Strange I don't mean to be mean but I like you so much that I still find it hard to accept your typing as LIE. Maybe you are just an exquisite exception for the type.
No offense but to me it seems like your projecting your perceived 'low qualities' of the personality of your conflictor into a country you are unable to thrive in despite being the land of opportunity. In short, stop being a negative Nancy and improve your conditions.