Not me. That doesn't work for me - faking cheeriness.

I become even more neutral, or perhaps "fuck off" mode.

The one thing I have down pat, and for years have, is the ability to give people no psychological handles. Distance comes naturally, and most people don't bother me, and don't know me enough to feel comfortable getting upset at me. And because I don't carry myself like a pussy (though I used to moreso in highschool), there's very little for people to interact with. This is indeed a favorite part about who I am - no one gives me trouble.

What I would suggest to you is change how you go about your stuff, because the Se types can see you fake emotional bullshit, and will chase you and seek you out to vent on for it. Like a dog that smells fear - it is natural for them to 'chase victims'. But you're not a victim are you? If you want some tips let me know.