It's become increasingly apparent that I have little tolerance for wasteful people. I have always been a hoarder, but have actually been known to call people "stupid" for throwing away "perfectly good" things. I sort of feel some sense of duty to take the misfits home and make them useful.

There was a large, partially broken mirror outside in the snow around my workplace and I kept waiting to see if it belonged to anyone. After several days, I asked the neighbor about it and he said, "Take it if you want it!" I cannot tell you the exact reason I wanted it, but I thought I might one day use it for a project. These things happen to me all the time. I bubble over with excitement at the idea of making something from nothing.

My mom says I did it as kid too. Apparently, I often boxed up my leftover food to be sent to 3rd world countries. When my mom later told me that she had repeatedly thrown my boxes of food away, I yelled at her, not saying, "the people will starve," but instead in disbelief that she had the nerve to waste it. I would come back with, "I could have eaten it or we could have given it to the neighbors!" (or something similar). Basically, the general feeling, both then and now, tends to be: "How dare you consider it useless without consulting me first."

In the immaterial realm, I cannot stand the thought of wasting either. What is this drive to use, or at least explore, every possibility? I'm thinking it's related to Ne in the immaterial realm, but what about in the material? It also seems as if I am satisfied as long as I have everything at MY disposal. If I can sort through things and decide they are useless, I am generally fine.