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Thread: Type the author of these articles

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    eunice's Avatar
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    Default Type the author of these articles

    She's one of my module project group members and is around my age. She has her own website and below are some articles she wrote. Admittedly, I don't know her well yet, so I couldn't accurately tell what her type is. However, I like her articles so far, so I thought I would probably share two of them:

    Article 1

    10 ways to achieve your goals

    We all have goals and resolutions and why is it that often, we don’t seem to be able to achieve them? Well, you have to ask yourself first, whose goals are you setting? Are they yours or are they developed because of other people’s expectations and hopes of you?

    If you find the goal dreadful and you experience fear or anxiety, then it’s obviously not what you want! And it’s a goal of someone else. If that’s the case, why are you still hanging on it it? You have to get rid of it because it will just hinder your future successes and progress!

    After you have thought of your goals, you need to commit yourself to your goals. And with this 10 steps, you can be sure that you will be more committed and more motivated to work towards your goals!

    1. Write them down!

    >> Statistics show people who write down their goals have over an 80% success rate of achieving them! Write the goals in your notebook, on the wall, in fact, anywhere! You can even start a goals journal. These goals have to be specific, measurable, achievable, results-oriented and time-limited!

    Specific: Describe every single detail of the goal
    Measurable: You have to be able to measure your progress. Be it through charting your improvement to getting someone to examine your progress!
    Achievable: You will need to set realistic goals and not those that are of your fantasies.
    Results-Oriented: What’s the point of working towards a goal if you are not expecting anything out of it?
    Time-limited: Time yourself. Make sure that you don’t procrastinate in achieving your goals.
    2. Create a plan of small steps to get you where you want to be.

    >> You can do so with timelines where you can chart your progress and also take note of how much you want to progress with each day. Do remember to review your plan monthly to see its effectiveness.

    3. Write down your motivating reason(s)/ driving factor for wanting the goal.

    >> Write it with such passion, feeling, and energy that it makes it sooo clear why getting the goal is important to you. These reasons will keep you focused on what you want to achieve and also on how much time and effort you are going to put in everyday to achieve the results you want.

    4. Create 3 to 5 positive motivating statements that will keep you on track.

    >> These motivating statements will excite you and keep you motivated. Always remember to use the present tense! As for me, mine’s “Do or Do Not, There is No Try!” Always repeat these statements to yourself when you are feeling down or demoralised. Because they have to ability to perk you up and energise you!

    5. Visualize what it is like to have achieved your goal.

    >> By visualizing it, you are living it, tasting it, feeling it, smelling it, seeing it, reveling in it! Think about how you will feel on achieving the goal. How others will think of you and the ability that you have to accomplish more!

    6. Start a daily routine.

    >> Start each day by reviewing your goals and your progress. Remind yourself of your driving factor and also charge yourself by repeating your motivating statements. Then, picture yourself achieving the goal and finally obtaining it! Make your goal a priority and write down the things you can do in the day to be closer to your goal.

    7. Remove all negative self-talk/beliefs

    >> You are the creator of your thoughts and beliefs, and you should choose ones that are beneficial and can motivate you rather than those that serve to demoralise you. Always think positive!

    8. Record down your thoughts, emotions, difficulties etc. daily

    >> Always take note of your thoughts, emotions, barriers, possible solutions/alternatives, daily successes, gratitudes. Because at the end of the day, it serves to show you how much you have progressed and also serves to be a record of your solutions, alternatives and successes.

    9. Find like-minded people who are able to support you!

    >> Build up peer support. Find a buddy, join a group, hire a coach. These people are to be in tune with your goal, and are able to support you in a positive way. They will have the ability to motivate you when you lose sight of what you want to achieve!

    10. Celebrate your successes!

    >> Set up small milestones in your journey, and when you reach them, celebrate! It’s important to always reward yourself for the effort and time you put in to reach each point. And rewarding yourself serves as a source of motivation to pushing you forward to achieving even more!

    Here’s To Our Success~!

    Article 2

    Learning from Britney Spears

    I know what you are thinking. How the heck can I learn from Britney Spears who recently looked as though she had been to hell and back and trying to recover from the aftermaths of the disasterous relationship she just had!

    When I was reading reports about her, I can’t help but feel sorry for her. Well, I practically grew up with her – with the songs, “Baby One More Time”, “Lucky” and “I’m a Slave For You” and her “oh-so-cute” then boyfriend, Justin Timberlake.

    She was the pop princess, looking oh-so-innocent back in the year 2000.

    Then she went on enjoying all the success that any performing artist would die for. She became the pop icon and a legendary figure in the pop culture.

    A break up, a quick Las Vegas marriage to her childhood sweetheart, a few flings and a baby, she gets married to Kevin Federline. (Which I think, was a complete huge mistake)

    So, what can I learn from her? Well, just read on to find out

    1. Apparently, family relationships are not as important to her as her relationship with friends.
    >> Family is important to us even as we are busy with our own pursuit of happiness and success. Though friends are equally important, family members are people who constantly remind us of our origins and who help us maintain our values and beliefs. Despite our disagreements with our family members, we must always take time to resolve them and understand each others’ position.

    2. She can easily detach from her own feelings and others’.
    >> We must always be clear of what we feel and how others feel. Her ability to forgo her own emotions and others, shows us her ability to take and let go of things. Though it’s good to be able to let go of failed relationships, experiences, we must always recognize what we are feeling. Whether we are hurt or relieved or just plain upset. We should never deny our emotions or try to avoid them, thinking that it will solve the problem.

    3. In relationships, Britney is the dominant character. She wants independence and freedom.
    >> Being the dominant character has its pros and cons. In Britney’s case, controlling and demanding from the partner, can cause misunderstandings, irritations and even unhappiness. Hence, a balance in power and control must always be struck between the two people, for the relationship to be able to stay strong.

    4. She likes to experiment and does not follow conventions and traditions.
    >>Experimenting.. mmm.. I think we’ve heard many stories of her experiments eh.. from kissing Madonna, to carrying a white python and the list goes on. Though traditions and conventions may be hard to follow these days, it’s good to keep a good limit to the things that you try.

    5. She is too emotional and unable to hide her reactions to people or situations.
    >> Being too emotional and unable to hid reactions, people can be put off by this. It’s important to draw a clear line of professionalism and also being too personal. Though it’s not wrong to show your feelings, sometimes, your emotions are best kept to yourself in order not to affect others and their impression of you.

    6. She is impulsive
    >> Getting married in a Las Vegas chapel in the middle of the night? Yeah, that’s too impulsive! Always think through all decisions that you make because you don’t want to ever regret making them in the first place.

    7. She is too impatient and does not back down at will.
    >> Getting pregnant and getting married against a lot of people’s wishes… Yeah.. she’s too impatient and stubborn. We must always review the consequences of our actions before carrying them out.

    8. She cares too much about others’ opinions.
    >> It’s important to always listen to yourself first because your own conscience and your will would know exactly what you want. Nobody else will. You lead your own life and not others. Hence, let others’ opinions be secondary to your own desires and wants. In that way, you will be less affected by the negative comments that others may have with regards to what you do.

    9. She really desires deep, genuine, lasting relationships.
    >> From this, the lesson learnt is to choose your partner wisely. Choose one who loves, cherishes you and wants you to be happy. And stay committed to your partner, right from the day that you both get together.

    10. Jealousy, power struggles, or possessiveness are areas of conflict in her relationships.
    >> Always develop a sense of trust and attachment (not physically but mentally and spiritually) to each other. This is important. Trust and faith are two key elements that you will need to make sure that your relationship lasts. Because they are the foundations on which any kind of relationship is built on.

    Now there you have it, the 10 lessons that can be learnt from Britney Spears in the area of life. Though she may not be the best role model we can find, it’s important to be able to cope with difficulties, failures, wrong decisions and consequences.

    We must not let our lives wither away because of a mistake. And no matter what, we must always find support for ourselves and not let ourselves crumble in times of difficulty!

  2. #2


    eeeks I can't type her but I can say that her opinions are like nails on a chalkboard to me. That first part about goals sounds like something straight off of Joy's bookshelf :wink: and her analysis of Britany Spears is just annoying and wrong I think (how does this woman "know" Britany??? seems to be an analysis of her based solely on National Enquier articles )

  3. #3
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    I hate those self-help books crap. People that write down their goals like it's something sooooo serious that they sooooo must reach to feel good about themselves make me soooo laugh. Anyway ENFj. The realtionships advice are actually good, but obvious.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

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    My vote is ENFp.

    The ENFps I know irl, including me, work towards breaking down "self-help" concepts into their most basic parts. Usually this is done in efforts to help us give order to our own thoughts, particularly in issues which we have difficulty with. Often, our final product comes out as mere repetition of what numerous other books have written. Which is how her goal article reads.

    Does she actually pursue goals easily....or is it pretty much a constant effort for her to keep on track (notice not what she SAYS she tries to do....but what she actually DOES)?

    As for the Britney article, this person is obviously getting into discrete relationships (Fi/Ti), and since they are about emotions, actions, motivations, I see it as Fi and not Ti.
    IEE 649 sx/sp cp

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    I agree with ann's diagnosis and FDG's sentiment.
    IEI subtype

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    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by anndelise
    My vote is ENFp.

    The ENFps I know irl, including me, work towards breaking down "self-help" concepts into their most basic parts. Usually this is done in efforts to help us give order to our own thoughts, particularly in issues which we have difficulty with. Often, our final product comes out as mere repetition of what numerous other books have written. Which is how her goal article reads.
    But isn't the motivational crap usually connected to Ni creative?
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

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    the total, absolute, complete nutcase type.

    i suppose EIE fits. IEE makes no sense, based on the fact that there is a lot of Ti/Fe information provided in the first article (ie, the unsourced reference about 80% of written goals are met; what kind of bullcrap is that? more importantly, would an IEE make such a claim?) also focuses a lot generally on Fe/Ti information; visualize success, etc. none of it makes the slightest damn bit of sense.

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    Thanks for the replies so far. I actually thought of ENTj. Take the Britney Spears article for example. Her analysis of Spears seems to be anti-Alpha.

  9. #9
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    Default old is she?
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  10. #10
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    ahah. You guys can diss her all you want but didn't you read her article? She knows she's hot shit.

    it's hard to type someone with such a limited amount of personal information. I know how she gets things done, but I don't know anything about her.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG old is she?
    20 years old.

    Quote Originally Posted by heath
    it's hard to type someone with such a limited amount of personal information. I know how she gets things done, but I don't know anything about her.
    This was what she wrote about herself on her blog:

    About Me

    First of all, I would like to welcome you to my webbie! *clap clap clap*

    Well, I’m A****
    I’ve been a blogger since the year 2003 and I blog to vent my frustrations, share my daily happenings and create my online home! So, as of today, I’m a 4 yr old blogger!

    Anyway, I’m a 2nd year Psychology undergraduate and why did I choose Psychology? I believe it has got to do with my interest of helping others and also just to understand human beings better. Nono.. we don’t learn how to ‘psycho’ or to hypnotise people! We learn about the social environment and how it affects the way we behave and the way we choose to behave.

    I’ve become more mature ever since taking up the course and entering the University. I realised that there are a lot of people who need social support, which is beginning to lack in today’s society. This growth in maturity exposed me to the potential of the Internet as a medium for me to reach out to many people online who need advice, guidance or just a listening ear.

    So, what is the purpose of my blog?

    This blog is going to focus on advising people on making and maintaining relationships which will help in one’s pursuit of happiness and success. I believe that everyone has encountered problems in relationships - be it to do with romance, work or with family members. And not everyone knows how to handle such problems/disputes that may arise at different points of time.

    Hence, this blog will serve as a online centre for consultation, where I’ll do my best to act as ‘Aunt Agony’ and advise or give tips on how to handle relationships successfully. It’s my pleasure to be able to help people in different ways and through the Internet I’ll be able to reach out to more people around the world.

    My other interests include Sports and playing the piano. On top of that, I’m also involved in internet marketing projects and even product development, which I have a great interest in. Well, you can always check my website for more details!

    For now, do visit my blog regularly coz I’ll share tips and also give advice to people. Moreover, you can also be updated of my future projects!

    In the meantime, if you have any problems, questions pertaining to relationships, well, just email me at a****@*******.com alright? I look forward to hearing from you!

    That’s all from me now!

    Take care & God Bless!



  12. #12
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    ESFp. Maybe ENFp.

    The emphasis on Te goal-setting and Fi relationship stuff is pretty obvious, I think. Plus the overall down-to-earth tone of it makes me think S > N.

    Come to think of it, it sounds a lot like Dale Carnegie. Perhaps ENFp is more likely.

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