Sensory-Ethical Introvert
SEI – ISFp – Dumas (Intermediary)

Installation of the leading bloc: SEI: life for him is defined by harmony, comfort, the possibility to feel pleasure; it is necessary to show all of this to others for the sake of combined enjoyment, he likes to make others happy.

Description of the Strong Functions:

Si: For the SEI this function is principally focused on health, in the broadest sense of the word. Into this concept enters the sensations of his body, his health or illness. Also concerns food and its preparation, the sensation of comfort in his environment (including at work), clothing (its aesthetic value and convenience).

SEI comprehends well the characteristics of a living organism, its needs. Physicians, despite having authority that he lacks, will not be able to bring sense down to the SEI should they supply a diagnosis that does not coincide with his inherent sensations. Generally he considers being ill as something almost indecent: it is foolish, in fact, not to take care of oneself!

He understands sensations so well that he is capable of noting barely perceptible signs in others that they are not aware of. However, in these cases he does not consider it proper to interfere with another person, to offer his indications or recommendations. In the area of health one must take personal responsibility.

SEI knows how to wonderfully prepare, and tastefully eat up, food. An excellent culinary specialist, he often invents something new and original. He also decorates his environment to make it aesthetically attractive – so that both his eyes and stomach may be on holiday.

SEI approaches his environment from a very sensory dimension. In furnishing a room he focuses on coziness, convenience, proper selection of furniture, the shades of colour – all of this is important and thus frequently serves as the object of concern and attention.

In regards to clothing the SEI desires harmony but also realizes that articles must be convenient, functionally justified and beautiful. However, he will not dress for an occasion in accordance with prestige; such makes him uncomfortable – convenience is considered first of all!

Fe: SEI is an epicure in both the physical and emotional realms. His emotionalism is developed in every respect. He loves many forms of art, especially music and singing. Frequently he plays a musical instrument, sings for entertainment. He is a good writer, poet, and artist. He is also an artist in love, and loves adventures in this sphere. He knows how to pleasantly care for another, to supply both emotional and sensual pleasure to his significant other. Depending on the circumstance SEI will use these traits in order to focus attention on himself.

When it becomes apparent that a relationship is ending the SEI moves foreword, he takes part in one last conversation and hopes that everything else will fall in place without his participation. He then attempts to immediately bring a new acquaintance into his life; preceding the final break with the previous partner.

Generally SEI tries to avoid tension by any means necessary. If a conflict flares up between others he tries to play the intermediary in order to reconcile the opposing parties as soon as possible. He finds himself to be inferior in the case of an argument, will therefore often agree with the collocutor. He very poorly responds to physical aggression. In such situation he is capable of defending himself but will afterwards feel regret and excessively talk about what has occurred. Most of the time his tactic is to walk away from tense situations, to return to a psychologically convenient territory, return to sensory comfort.

When another suddenly attacks his immediate response is down-to-earth rather than any attempt to seem superior. This mode of acting insures that he may leave a conflict situation with having suffered minimal loss.

His tendency to provide pleasure for himself and close ones frequently serves to make him the soul of the gathering. But if a group does not serve to please him he will simply find another circle of people that he finds more likeable. Sincere physical comfort is his principal motivation. When he suffers long periods without this sensation he begins to get depressed and everything falls out of his control.

Description of the Weak Functions:

Te: Business logic is the SEI’s weakest function. This weakness is developed in his inability to act productively, rationally. In order to efficiently work it is very important that the working environment has good and comfortable conditions.

He poorly performs in rough, cumbersome work. If such is in prospect he will attempt to elude it, to be occupied with anything else, which interests him and is pleasant. Sometimes, after making an appointment with someone and/or to do something he may forget about his promise and thus miss and/or not complete his responsibilities. He finds himself distressed when such occurs and will, to the best of his abilities, avoid the consequences.

Being oriented towards the realm of pleasure SEI does not like when others force him to do something that he finds unpleasant. He perceives such situations in an especially painful manner when forced to deal with the irrationality of his business activity. He does not have aims at social prestige – he finds it much more pleasant to focus on simple, everyday happiness and good relations with friends.

Ni: The weakness of this function is especially developed, and may be observed, in the fact the SEI finds it very difficult to plan his time and execute work over any definite period. He must force himself to do this. He usually avoids specifying exact deadlines, in regards to his work, in order to have the opportunity to avoid responsibility if necessary.

He is not always capable of correctly evaluating and thus adapting to a situation. It often occurs that he makes mistakes in his evaluations of people, evaluating them to be more positive than they subsequently prove to be.

Very cheerful, he lives for the present, plays the role of the man whom has no problems in the future.

SEI at Work and in the Home:

SEI frequently relies on personal relations in order to attain what is desired. He tries, as much as possible, to avoid authorities. He wonderfully knows how to select the proper psychological distance in his contacts. Thus in the business sphere he uses his strong functions, being the communicator – intermediary.

Although SEI does not like to exert great efforts in work, if he finds the right job/career he can be taken away with great passion. But if he finds his work to be adverse he will never see it directly through to completion but will seek alternate routes in order to do everything in his own way by his own means.

SEI is very tied to the family. Here, in the best way, is developed his sense of conformity, the ability to yield in a dispute, his good understanding of the health of other family members, the ability to help them, to create convenience and coziness. In protecting those he holds dear he is capable of overstepping his ordinary boundaries of conformity, even becoming aggressive.

SEI is willingly occupied by the domestic tasks of cooking and interior decorating. In such regards he has an economically developed sense. He is thrifty, knows what to eat, what to buy. Moreover his thriftiness does not extend to close ones or friends whom, as a rule, find him to be sincere in his generosity.

SEI relates to the development of his children with great respect. He attempts to train them, and has no doubts in this regard, assuming that knowledge may offer one of the greatest enjoyments in life.

However, he finds it difficult to adhere to the norms of morals in regards to discipline. An Epicurean, he will not usually pass up the opportunity to spend time in the company of another. He is principally concerned with being satisfied and reasonably happy.

Summary of Functions:
1. Si: Their main focus in life is on pleasure. Knows how to create coziness and comfort around themselves. Understands well their body’s needs; an Epicure and aesthete. Avoids power struggles and applying pressure to themselves.
2. Fe: Adheres to the rule of avoiding negative emotions whilst, where possible, striving to create positive emotions. Softly, and without restraint, can associate at a close psychological distance. Successfully carries out the role of intermediary in disputes, reconciling opposing parties.
3. Te: Effective, goal-directed, work is not their style. Leads by their enthusiasm rather than by systematic character. Finds it difficult to be incorporated in any regular system – acts spontaneously when applied to such a situation.
4. Ni: They’re not very interested in what will occur in the distant future; principally focused on the “here and now.” SEI does not visualize well the concealed possibilities of people or events; attention is concentrated on visible concreteness.

Professional Possibilities:
The most adequate activities for the SEI are found in the sphere of services. Among people of this type it is possible to meet splendid artists and musicians; people of this psycho-type may also be successfully occupied by medicine and teaching. They realize their potential well in the areas of interior design, fashion and cuisine.

Potentially Favourable:
Potentially Adverse: