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Thread: ISFp description (Filatova) edited!

  1. #41
    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    I know 'comfort' isn't the best way to describe Si but it's what it feels like to me. It's really a 'comfort' in anything you do.

    I got told my whole life that I was too sensitive, but I don't know, I'm just really hyper-aware when there's not a lot of Si. It feels like a chaotic mess, like things aren't how they should be, and it just makes me kind of shut down.

    I don't understand how people can really function in low-Si envrionments. If I don't get it, I will either lash out aggressively or act really weird. I will find some way to cope but it won't be pretty. I will pretty much be trying to look for it.

    If I'm in a group of people I will naturally try to find those with great to talk with.

    I have another remark about something Megan said but I will say that in another post.

  2. #42
    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    The thing is that she cannot help it at least not comfortable anyway. i mean she can always rely on the government and family but that is relying on other people's efforts and that is a bit parasitic IMO.
    Okay here's where I think you're being too judgmental. The point is that a 'normal job' and 9 to 5 job isn't meant for everybody. I see no shame, no shame at all if you rely on other people's efforts because that is what being healthy psychologically is all about. Even if you are independent in the traditional way, you still depend on other people for something, no matter how much you are a leader. I actually think it might be a sign of low self-confidence if you always need to feel 'in control' to be happy. It's a sign of power if you can learn how to be submissive to other people.

    I think it's really insulting to call somebody 'parasitic' just because they're not the main breadwinner. In fact it really bothers me when people say that and I always correct them. There is nothing wrong at all if you just want to take things slow and let other people do the work, you will fill your own niche for them and they can provide for you. If I really like somebody I will try to make it work even if I was the only one that worked. I would expect them to have some responsibilities yes, because those are healthy regardless but to pretend that it's good for everybody to feel the same way about a job is just cultural bullshit I think.

    I've been in great relationships where I just cleaned the house for somebody and gave them great sex, and they bought me nice things. I didn't take advantage of them and they didn't do the same thing either because we had a trust involved. And I wouldn't mind working for a more passive person either, if I really cared for them. We both understood what we were good at and didn't try too hard to change the other person.

    Independence is soooo overrated. As for people that scream and yell BUT YOU NEED IT YOU NEED IT, no you don't, necessarily. And you can say 'oh you're just trying to find somebody to mooch off of' but it's not like that jeesh. Not everything comes so easily for other people and we need to love and appreciate them for the things they do well. There are lazy good for nothing bums I suppose (though I'd rather spend time with them anyway in a heartbeat then some uppity corporate jackhole)

    Nobody lives in an independent vacuum, and if they do, they're in an empty existence. We all rely on other people's efforts. My sister owns her own apartment, car, and job, and everything now, and she still has the same problems she's always had. I wish people would stop acting like that is everything there is about life, you are not better than other people because you have a fucking 'job.' God.

    (Sorry rants over you can tell I'm a bit pissy about this sorry... )

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