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Thread: INFJ or INTJ???

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    Default INFJ or INTJ???

    Hello everyone!

    I am curious to find out whether or not I am an INTJ or an INFJ. Every time I take the test on this site (choosing descriptive words) I end up getting back that I have the T, however, another test I took told me I was an F. Also, though the INTJ description sounds a lot like me, the INFJ sounds a lot more so. I wish I could give you more information about this but I do not know what sort of info would be helpful to you here... Is there anything I could tell you that would help you figure me out?

  2. #2
    Expat's Avatar
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    Take my test, here:

    Give as detailed answers as possible.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  3. #3
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    Socionics is not MBTI
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

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    1) How do you imagine yourself spending your retirement - assuming you retire in comfortable, but realistic circumstances (unless you're rich anyway)? What would you like to do, and how would you spend your day, where would you prefer to live? Etc.

    I think that for me the ideal retirement would be to a small, cottage type house on a farm but not to far away from a real town. I like the idea of having my own space where I can do my own thing, but also have the option of interacting with people when I feel like it. My house would have a small study for all my books in which I would spend a fair amount of my time reading and writing. I like to read linguistic-philosophy books as well as uplifting fiction that has moral. Moreover, I would plant a lot of different vegetables and have a small apple orchard where. The idea of self-sufficiency is appealing to me. Sometimes I would go on trips, preferably to Europe or maybe Australia/New Zeland. I am not too interested in the other continents. However, I would want to spend most of my time at my little cottage house (that is assuming that I am happily married, if not then I would probably just be depressed whatever the situation).

    At any rate, my day would be spent reading, listening to classical music, farming, going for walks here and there and just enjoying myself.

    2) Same question, but suppose you would retire as a very wealthy person. What would you do then? Laze about in Tahiti like Marlon Brando? Devote yourself to flying around the world like Richard Branson? Etc etc.

    Basically the same. Maybe my house would be a little bit bigger and I would live on a Greek island and my trips would be longer, but I would essentially want the same things: My books, my farming and my (yet to be found) wife.

    I hope this helps!

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hector
    1) How do you imagine yourself spending your retirement - assuming you retire in comfortable, but realistic circumstances (unless you're rich anyway)? What would you like to do, and how would you spend your day, where would you prefer to live? Etc.

    I think that for me the ideal retirement would be to a small, cottage type house on a farm but not to far away from a real town.
    Si quadra values. Possibly ISTj.

    I like the idea of having my own space where I can do my own thing, but also have the option of interacting with people when I feel like it.
    Probably introverted.

    My house would have a small study for all my books in which I would spend a fair amount of my time reading and writing. I like to read linguistic-philosophy books as well as uplifting fiction that has moral.
    Hmm, probably ethical.

    Moreover, I would plant a lot of different vegetables and have a small apple orchard where. The idea of self-sufficiency is appealing to me. Sometimes I would go on trips, preferably to Europe or maybe Australia/New Zeland. I am not too interested in the other continents.
    Again, introvert, valuing Si. "Self-sufficiency" -- on the surface, IJ. Maybe you could elaborate on this point.

    However, I would want to spend most of my time at my little cottage house (that is assuming that I am happily married, if not then I would probably just be depressed whatever the situation).

    I'd say INFj is most likely. Then ENFp or Alpha SF (ISFp or ESFj).

    EDIT: ISFp is more likely than ENFp or ESFj.

    Sorry Expat--this is fun!

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hector
    At any rate, my day would be spent reading, listening to classical music, farming, going for walks here and there and just enjoying myself.

    2) Same question, but suppose you would retire as a very wealthy person. What would you do then? Laze about in Tahiti like Marlon Brando? Devote yourself to flying around the world like Richard Branson? Etc etc.

    Basically the same. Maybe my house would be a little bit bigger and I would live on a Greek island and my trips would be longer, but I would essentially want the same things: My books, my farming and my (yet to be found) wife.

    I hope this helps!
    Definitely not LII
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

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    From what you guys have said INFj seems like the one. Does anyone disagree?

  8. #8
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    I doubt an INFj would feel comfortable taking such a hedonistic approach to spending their time.
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

  9. #9
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    Yes, ISFp is a good possibility.

    I've realized that I was completely oblivious to the thread title while analyzing your description--which is a good thing, of course.

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    I do not think that I am ISFp. Some of the description resonates with me, but I am not a good artist nor am I moody. I don't know. At any rate I am pretty sure about being an I, and thought that I was sure about N as well. S really does not seem to describe me really at all. I also do not consider myself to be hedonistic. Becoming better is a big interest of mine which is what drew me to INFj in the first place... My journal is in large part dedicated to reflections on my right and wrong actions and where improvement is needed. Maybe this list of careers I have always considered interesting would be helpful:

    minister (as in religion not government)

  11. #11



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    Quote Originally Posted by Diana
    I don't see anything that would contradict INFj, not IMO.
    I second that.

    Quote Originally Posted by UDP III
    I doubt an INFj would feel comfortable taking such a hedonistic approach to spending their time.
    I feel that most people would take a hedonistic approach when they reach retirement

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    Quote Originally Posted by eunice
    I feel that most people would take a hedonistic approach when they reach retirement
    That is how I feel too. I have been looking around the forum and the extra information on INFJ makes it seem like the best fit for me, especially with the intuitive subtype. So, yeah, I think I am probably INFJ.

    Is it typical for an INFJ to think that he may be an INTJ? Are they similar?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hector
    That is how I feel too. I have been looking around the forum and the extra information on INFJ makes it seem like the best fit for me, especially with the intuitive subtype. So, yeah, I think I am probably INFJ.

    Is it typical for an INFJ to think that he may be an INTJ? Are they similar?
    They have look-a-like relations, so I guess INFjs and INTjs share nearly similar values and opinions. For example, INFjs strive for romantic idealism, whereas INTjs aim for logical idealism.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hector
    I think that for me the ideal retirement would be to a small, cottage type house on a farm but not to far away from a real town. I like the idea of having my own space where I can do my own thing, but also have the option of interacting with people when I feel like it. My house would have a small study for all my books in which I would spend a fair amount of my time reading and writing. I like to read linguistic-philosophy books as well as uplifting fiction that has moral. Moreover, I would plant a lot of different vegetables and have a small apple orchard where. The idea of self-sufficiency is appealing to me. Sometimes I would go on trips, preferably to Europe or maybe Australia/New Zeland. I am not too interested in the other continents. However, I would want to spend most of my time at my little cottage house (that is assuming that I am happily married, if not then I would probably just be depressed whatever the situation).

    At any rate, my day would be spent reading, listening to classical music, farming, going for walks here and there and just enjoying myself.
    Definitely Si, a glimpse of Fe dual-seeking? A bit of hedonism. "Uplifiting fiction that has moral" sounds a bit Fi?

    Quote Originally Posted by Hector
    Basically the same. Maybe my house would be a little bit bigger and I would live on a Greek island and my trips would be longer, but I would essentially want the same things: My books, my farming and my (yet to be found) wife.

    I hope this helps!
    Well, honestly, it doesn't help a lot to differentiate between INTj and INFj -- almost certainly Alpha or Delta; if I had to choose I'd say INFj.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush
    Quote Originally Posted by Hector
    1) How do you imagine yourself spending your retirement - assuming you retire in comfortable, but realistic circumstances (unless you're rich anyway)? What would you like to do, and how would you spend your day, where would you prefer to live? Etc.

    I think that for me the ideal retirement would be to a small, cottage type house on a farm but not to far away from a real town.
    Si quadra values. Possibly ISTj.
    No, ISTjs have Se as quadra value, not Si --

    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush
    I like the idea of having my own space where I can do my own thing, but also have the option of interacting with people when I feel like it.
    Probably introverted.
    Perhaps -- it's ambiguous.

    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush
    My house would have a small study for all my books in which I would spend a fair amount of my time reading and writing. I like to read linguistic-philosophy books as well as uplifting fiction that has moral.
    Hmm, probably ethical.
    Yeah, a Delta NF vibe.

    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush
    Moreover, I would plant a lot of different vegetables and have a small apple orchard where. The idea of self-sufficiency is appealing to me. Sometimes I would go on trips, preferably to Europe or maybe Australia/New Zeland. I am not too interested in the other continents.
    Again, introvert, valuing Si. "Self-sufficiency" -- on the surface, IJ. Maybe you could elaborate on this point.
    Yeah, very well spotted -- IJs are probably the most likely to mention "self-sufficiency" in that way as a goal to be reached.

    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush
    However, I would want to spend most of my time at my little cottage house (that is assuming that I am happily married, if not then I would probably just be depressed whatever the situation).

    I'd say INFj is most likely. Then ENFp or Alpha SF (ISFp or ESFj).

    EDIT: ISFp is more likely than ENFp or ESFj.

    Sorry Expat--this is fun!
    Yeah, I also thought that bit suggested Fe dual-seeking.

    I agree with the above, so for the moment INFj beats INTj.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hector
    Quote Originally Posted by eunice
    I feel that most people would take a hedonistic approach when they reach retirement
    That is how I feel too. I have been looking around the forum and the extra information on INFJ makes it seem like the best fit for me, especially with the intuitive subtype. So, yeah, I think I am probably INFJ.

    Is it typical for an INFJ to think that he may be an INTJ? Are they similar?
    Yes I agree that INFj seems to be it.

    As to your question -- it's not uncommon for INTjs and INFjs to get mistyped, even by themselves. They are very similar in temperament and in some of the things they like and dislike the most.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

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