Quote Originally Posted by diamond8
if the erotic attitudes are not sexual then why are they called erotic? again, i think what "gets people", cause that's what we're talkin about, needs to be better defined. personally the victim agressor dichotomy is easier to understand because the media plays it out again and again. the careful infantile one is not well defined at all. and we don't usually see it in the media, at least not that i can think of.

i spose Ne can be "child-like" or naive. hopefully by the time you're 40, you've learned something about the world, though, and are not so childlike and naive anymore. i had great "erotic attraction" with an "aggressor" for years....and all the other erotic types, too at different times. and the "careful" one doesn't stand out any more than any of the others.

eroticism is what you make of it. you are right it is about intimacy and communication as well as sexual variety and "games". i just think they're trying to analyze and dichotomize a very complex, inherently not-well-understood process, which also has spiritual components and evolutionary reproductive components.
I think it is good for extremes. Like extreme Se with extreme Ni will look very aggressor victim, and same with extreme Ne and extreme Si. But when it's blurred, the things aren't so distinguishable.